Community needs WECRD center
Dear editor:
I started out as a volunteer for the Blue Ribbon committee quite some years ago.
First of all going house to house in my neighborhood to help determine the wants and needs interests in perhaps building a facility and you know what? I was just so happy to do this to begin with, what a wonderful opportunity to do a part for the community and then it happened.
I ran into a few, (very few) but very negative people. People that were afraid of what was coming. A community center. Why? Fear, yes fear that their own livelihoods might be threatened or somewhat diminished. There may have been other reasons but this one I encountered was astonishing.
These people live in this community, work in this community, yet do not want it to grow or change for the betterment of many. One person in particular told me that this community center would never be built and has worked against it from the beginning.
Again I remind you this was some years ago, long before the economic crisis. How is that for a long-range destruction of a plan that so many people want and have worked hard for to happen?
Don't sign anything that might dissolve the district.
The community needs and wants this recreational center with indoor pools.
I am proud to wear a blue ribbon in support of it. Let's BRC (Build Recreation Center).
Joyce Allgood