Andrews wins state-wide calendar contest
Local Mountain Home elementary student Haley Andrews recently joined 11 other K-8 students from across the state as winners of the 2009 "What We Love About America" calendar contest.
The "What We Love About America" contest, is a statewide poster contest where students are asked to portray what they love about America.
Andrews, a third-grade student from North Elementary School, won the contest with her entry portraying America as a big soup bowl.
In the picture, vegetables in the soup bowl represent people from various countries and surrounding the bowl are little utensil people representing various historical figures welcoming immigrants into the country, with the American flag in the background.
For being named one of the winners, Andrews' entry is featured as the photo for the month of November. Andrews was awarded with two copies of the calendar, with one going to the school.
"I felt excited to win, because I've never won anything like this before," said Andrews.
Andrews also received several congratulatory certificates from North Elementary School Principal Polly Sanders and from the Mountain Home School Board and her teacher is pleased with her achievement.
"She is a very gifted and talented student and it's exciting to see her picture winning the contest," said Andrews' third-grade teacher, Denise Weis.
The "What We Love About America" calendar contest was sponsored by the Idaho School Boards Association, Moreton & Company and CNA.