Grand View Community Church celebrating 100th anniversary
The Grand View Community Church is celebrating its 100-year anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 23.
The church was first organized on Sunday Nov. 22, 1908.
The public is invited to attend the special church service at 10:45 a.m. and enjoy a potluck dinner after the service.
The First Congregational Church of Grand View, Idaho was organized Nov. 22, 1908, by Rev. W.C. Veazie of Salt Lake City, Utah, superintendent of churches. Mrs. B,F. Wallace of Grand View acted as the church clerk.
There were 11 charter members:Mrs. Stella Wallace, Mrs. Bertha H. Bolen, Mrs. M. J. McKeeth, Mrs. Loffie Garsja, Mrs. Maud B. McKeeth, Mrs. S. H. Lawrence, Mrs. Charles Frederick, Charles Frederick, Mrs. R.G. Rowe, J.W. Jones and Della J. McKeeth Knai.
The people in the community had been holding Sunday services in the schoolhouse and when possible visiting ministers came from surrounding towns to preach.
The congregation voted to retain Rev. Lloyd Knight, who was a Pastor At Large Of Idaho, on April 17, 1927.
The people wanted to build a church but The Great Depression was on and money was scarce. Rev. Knight prayed with them for assistance and faith through the Lord. It is said that a small child gave him her penny one day when Rev. Knight was visiting her home. She said she had prayed for a new church and that she wanted to help. That was the spark he needed.
Rev. Knight was a good carpenter and he promised to help build the church if the people in the valley would work together and give of their time. The Church Building Society gave them a mortgage. With many helping hands and long hours the church was built, including the handmade pews.
On Sunday, May l3,1928, the building was dedicated with the Moderator of the National Council of Churches riding across the desert to preach the service. That day they changed the name of the Church to Knight Congregational Church to honor Rev. Knight. The name was changed Jan. 25, 1976, when the congregation voted to change it to The Knight Community Church.
The Ladies Aid group for the church was organized on Sept. 12, 1929, with seven original members. Mrs. Minnie Spang was elected to be the first president.
In 1958 it was decided the church needed a parsonage for the minister.
Pastor Madison led the church then and he drew up the plans that were approved by a vote of the congregation in June 1958. Work begin immediately by the members and it was finished in November 1959. Ralph Moore and his new wife accepted the pastorite on Nov. 10, 1959, and were the first family to live in the parsonage.
The church celebrated the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the building of the sanctuary on May 13,1978. Rev. John Curtis and his wife, Mary, were the church leaders at that time. The Womens Fellowship (formerly The Ladies Aid) prepared a 50th Anniversary and historical cookbook.
John Curtis resigned in 1979 and Rev. Bill Hallock and his wife, Rena, took over July 8, 1979. During his tenure the congregation decided it needed a bigger kitchen, social hall, bathrooms, and a second story added on for Sunday School classrooms and storage. The congregation pitched in with their varied talents and time, both male and female, in the early '80s. The social hall is called "Shaw Hall" in honor of Darrol Shaw, who was born and raised in the Grand View Valley, fourth generation descendant of charter member Mrs. Stella Wallace.
Some of the ministers that have served (not necessarily in order of tenure) were: R.B. Wright, S.E. Long, B.W. Rice, C.E. Cox, J.E. Sears, C.W. Smith, J.E. Ingham, Lloyd Knight, Barker, E. Crane, Guiles, Kohles, Madison, Ralph Moore, Barry Cox, George Kormier, John Curtis, Bill Hallock, Leonard Gallivan, Wally Cooper, Rick Gallagher, Clarence Nace, Paul Ryan, Kerry Crenshaw, and Jace May. Rev. Paul and Nida Ryan left for a short time but came out of retirement and returned to the church where he is the current pastor.