Elmore County Planning and Zoning denies AEHI rezone request
The Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-2 to to not recommend Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc.'s request to rezone approximately 1,345 acres of Argicultural A zoned property to heavy industrial in order to build a nuclear power plant on the land.
The recommendation will be passed onto the county commissioners who must make a decision on planning and zoning's recommendation at their next scheduled meeting, which is Nov. 17.
However, the commission does have the option to schedule their own hearings and to request items turned into the planning and zoning commission after the Oct. 1 deadline before deciding to accept or reject planning and zoning's recommendation.
Bonnie Sharp, director of growth and development for Elmore County, said the commissioners will most likely hold additional hearings before making their decision.
See next week's Mountain Home News for the complete story.