Obama puts national security at risk
Dear editer:
I read your editorial in the Oct. 1 paper. You pointed out McCain's mistakes. I know he is not perfect, none of us are, but he sure is better than Barack Obama.
McCain is a good Christian. He has served his country well. He loves the USA. You need to build people up not tear them down. My mother taught me if you cannot say something nice, not to say anything.
I think McCain and Palin are good, intelligent people. A person has to be intelligent to become governor of a state. Thank goodness we have conservatives who are Republicans in the congress or we would have all suffered more with this bail-out plan.
Thank God for our founding Fathers for our Constitution. It was inspired by God. I believe McCain and Palin will seek God in their lives and lead us well.
I have watched both the presidential and tonight the vice presidential debates. Palin was wonderful. We need her in Washington. We need McCain, too.
Our national security is at at risk if Obama gets in. He wants to cut and run on this war. We have to win it and we have to let the military do what they think is right. They are there, we are not. The generals in charge need to be allowed to do what we pay them for.
I am a Navy veteran and I know our officers know what they are doing. They are trained for war. McCain was an officer so he knows more than Obama for sure and he wants to win, not cut and run. We need conservative leaders that we can trust.
Barbara J. Larson