WECRD should present detailed plan, cost to voters
Dear editor:
This letter is to the WECRD board! As I was reading the letters to the editor, I noticed one letter that caught my eye. It was Alan Bermensolo's letter. Alan couldn't have stated his views any better. Alan, well written letter!
Why doesn't the WECRD board have any true costs and hard figures for the people of Mountain Home? As Alan said, "It's been seven years."
Where are the true financial figures for the new building and so forth? Help yourselves WECRD board by helping the people of Mountain Home understand the costs and figures. Are you scared to give those numbers out in fear that the people of Mountain Home will freak out?
If the people of Mountain Home said NO to the school bond and NO to the hospital bond, what makes you think they will go for this? How about letting the people of Mountain Home know what it's going to cost us in taxes! Oh, that's right, that's a whole new can of worms. That was mighty nice of the board to raise my taxes without telling me!
A simple letter to the people of Mountain Home would have been nice, letting us all know you were going to do that! I have no problem paying my taxes! I do have a problem when someone raises them without asking or just letting me know their intent.
I say give us the true costs and figures to build, run and maintain this facility! Once you have done that, then let's put it to a vote and let the people of Mountain Home decide if they want to pay for it! If it passes then by all means continue down that road. If not, let's get with the mayor, city council and Parks and Rec to figure something that will work!
Down at AFAD, you guys had a booth. I started talking to a lady about how you guys raised my taxes without asking. In the end of our conversation she said, "don't you want an indoor pool?" I laughed and walked away. If the board wants an indoor pool so bad, why not enclose the city's public pool with a retractable roof. Add a two-lane lap pool and therapeutic pool over by the kiddy pool, right were all the grass is located! I bet that would be cheaper than building the WECRD building!
I guess in the end, the WECRD needs to get the true costs and figures to the people of Mountain Home, and then put it to a vote!
Let the people decide in the end, not the board!
Rich Sykes