City gets electric truck

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The mayor and other city officials spent part of Wednesday and Thursday test driving the city's newest vehicle up and down the streets of Mountain Home.

No matter how many times they drove by a gas station, they never needed to stop. That's because the vehicle, a pick-up truck, is electric.

"Just plug it in," Mayor Tom Rist said.

Rist said the truck is expected to go 80-100 miles per charge but the city won't know exactly how far it can go until it undergoes a full production test this afternoon, Oct 2.

The city received the truck Wednesday for use by the public works department.

The mayor said the department needed two vehicles replaced this year and the city thought, "why not try electric and see how this works and what type of cost savings and benefits we'll actually get."

The increasing cost of fuel was one of the reasons behind the decision to get the electric vehicle and Rist said the city would make public the actual savings once they are able to calculate it.

The city is expected to get another electric car for public works at the end of the year or early next year.

As far as other departments switching to electric vehicles, Rist said it would depend on how well the vehicles work for the city.

"(It) depends on how this tests out, if in fact it's a real winner for the city and we see some cost savings, definitely," Rist said.

The vehicle, a ZX40ST, was purchased from Miles Electric Vehicles by the council earlier this year.

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  • Nice to see the City of MH moving in the direction they are. I hope those vehicles have been tested for reliability so that the City does not "eat" it with repairs. Very impressed at the forward thinking of the City of MH. When will the County catch up?

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Oct 2, 2008, at 1:59 PM
  • what a waste of taxpayers money!

    -- Posted by mtnhomer120 on Thu, Oct 2, 2008, at 7:53 PM
  • Agreed mtnhomer120, a huge waste of our money.

    -- Posted by mule on Mon, Oct 6, 2008, at 4:03 PM
  • Anything the City wants the City gets. I get mad everytime I see all of the City vehicles, mowers, etc. Usually a couple of people riding around in the vechicles to a job where one city worker does the work and three watch.

    I also wonder about all of the equipment that Shepherd purchases at every council meeting.

    Why not rent equipment from the local equipment business or hire it done by someone that owns the necessary equipment. How would it be to put someone to work?

    The cost of the electric vehicle would buy a lot of gas.

    -- Posted by yniashi on Tue, Oct 7, 2008, at 12:33 PM
  • i like the idea if it works out then great , the cost put out for it now will be paid back and then some . hopefully it works as well as they want it too .

    -- Posted by just1 on Tue, Oct 7, 2008, at 6:26 PM
  • Mule:

    A waste of tax payer money? please explain? Would you rather the city support big oil companies as they are now? as well as help wean us off of foreign oil?

    Or do you really care?

    -- Posted by desert1der on Tue, Oct 7, 2008, at 11:07 PM
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