Doug King to challenge as independent

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Doug King will challenge incumbent Larry Rose for the Elmore County Commission district two seat as a write-in candidate in the Nov. 4 election.

King ran against Rose in the primary contest but lost by 65 votes. He said he is running as a write-in at the encouragement people who want him to run because the race was close.

"I figured I'd give them the option," King said.

King, 52, is a partner in Diamond Laundry. He said through his business and deliveries, he gets the chance to talk to people from the entire county and the air base.

"I've had a lot of conversations with a lot of people," he said. "I get to hear a lot, see what's going on in the county and see a lot of different things. I want to try to make the county a better place. I think it needs someone that is going to listen to the people."

If elected, the Mountain Home native would like to see the commissioners look into taking a pay cut and look at hiring a full-time manager/economic developer that can bring new businesses in or have a full-time commissioner at the court house while the other two work part-time. He thinks the $35,364 annual salary is too much for someone who goes to weekly meetings.

King said the county needs to get something done with the ambulances but he wasn't sure what the answers were.

He said the proposed power plant near Hammett could be a good thing for the county but a person needs to check all the facts before making a decision on such a matter.

King ran in a three-way primary for the same seat in 2004 and lost. He has served on the planning and zoning commission, the Elmore County Soil and Water Conversation Board and the county ag coalition committee.

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  • Hope to see Mr King at the hearings if he hasn't yet done or read the research on the nuclear plant. Only then he can learn why the plant would be wrong for the county. As long as he doesn't get carried away by pie-in-the-sky promises...

    I'm willing to give a new face to the commissioners but would like him to know more about what to do re ambulance service. I don't know what the answere are here and would really like for him to.

    Whether or not I ultimately vote for Mr King, I salute him running as an independent. That can be very courageous. I voted for him in the primary and remember how close things were.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Oct 2, 2008, at 5:45 AM
  • Larry Rose has a handle on what is going on in the County and we need all of the knowledge that we can muster. To put in any new commissioner at this time would be crazy.

    -- Posted by yniashi on Tue, Oct 7, 2008, at 12:26 PM
  • I can't believe Larry Rose is still in office, him and Rick Layher do not deserve to be elected to anything. How come the Mountain Home News has not done any further investigative journalism into the dealings of Larry Rose... This is a man who took kick-backs from a sanitation firm, so they could get the contract for Mtn. Home... I know there are people who know a lot more about this, I think the citizens of Mtn. Home need to NOT elect this man! Just think $35,364 is way too much to pay this guy, and I know there has to be someone who is honest and has common sense enough to do this job (Isn't the average yearly income in Mtn. Home/Elmore County only like $13,000-something).

    -- Posted by FormerMtnHomie on Wed, Oct 8, 2008, at 10:29 AM
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