County list dates, rules for nuclear plant hearings

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a series of four public hearings concerning Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc.'s request to rezone approximately 1,345 acres of Agricultural A zoned property to a Heavy Industrial zone.

The meetings, each scheduled to begin at 6: 30 p.m. at Mountain Home Junior High School's gym, will be held to the following subjects:

* Oct. 8, applicant presentation, staff report, individuals and groups in support of application.

* Oct. 22, pre-qualified groups and individuals in opposition to the request.

* Oct. 29, Individuals in opposition of application (if necessary).

* Nov. 5, rebuttal by applicant.

Groups who wish to speak at the hearings need to submit a written request to the Growth and Development Department no later than Oct. 1. The number of groups pre qualified will determine the amount of time each group is allowed to speak.

Individuals wishing to speak at the hearings may sign up at the meeting of their choice. Individuals will be limited to three minutes.

The board encourages written testimony and evidence, which must be received at the Growth and Development Office by Oct. 1.

Bonnie Sharp, director of Elmore County Growth and Development, said groups and individuals are asked to pre-identify with the desired date as the meetings will follow the structure above. She said neutral parties who have questions would be accommodated.

"We want to include everyone, we want all the information we can get," Sharp said.

Jerry Mason, an attorney, will moderate the hearings.

Sharp said since the issue is a complex matter, the county thought it would be best to bring in a professional moderator from outside the county to facilitate the meeting.

A moderator will also prevent the board's chairman, Nick Nettleton, from doing two jobs, having to run the meeting while taking in all the information, Sharp said.

The county anticipates a large turnout.

"Lots of people will want to be heard," Sharp said. "We're happy to hear from both sides. We want to get as much information as we can so the planning and zoning commission can make an informed decision."

Sharp said additional costs associated with an application, such as Mason's services and the use of the junior high in this case, as well as posting hearing notices in the Mountain Home News, are billed directly to the applicant.

AEHI is requesting the rezone to construct a nuclear energy production facility on the land located southwest of Old Highway 30, approximately six miles south of Hammett.

However, the hearing is limited solely to the proposed zone change, not the regulatory authority concerning nuclear energy.

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  • Thanks for publishing what I hope is the final information on the hearings.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Wed, Sep 24, 2008, at 12:39 PM
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