Tindalls named marshals of AFAD parade

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chet and Jessie Tindall were announced Monday as co-grand marshals for this year's AFAD festivities.

The announcement was made by Diane Farrell, the 2006 AFAD Grand Marshal, during Monday's regular meeting of the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm very surprised that we were recognized. I'm just so flabbergasted, I don't know what to say," said Chet Tindall in acceptance.

"It certainly was a surprise, really a surprise, I've always been in favor of Air Force Appreciation Day," said Jessie Tindall in acceptance.

"Our 2008 grand marshals have a long family history of serving Elmore County and Air Force Appreciation Day and specifically making it the successful event that it is today," said Farrell.

Chet Tindall is one of six children, educated in Tindall, Idaho, in a two-room schoolhouse before moving to Boise to graduate. Tindall moved to Mountain Home where he has been activ as a member of the fire department, Elks, Shriners and Toastmasters, along with serving meals on Air Force Appreciation Day.

Jessie Tindall, who grew up in Mountain Home, claimed that she wouldn't live anywhere else.

Chet and Jessie Tindall met when Jessie was a bookkeeper for Ben Franklin Stores.

The Tindall's rented, then purchased Brown's New and Used Furniture and Hardware on Main Street making it a home.

In 1963 the Tindall's built a furniture store "Tindall's," which later became Kings. Although now are both retired, the Tindalls have been an active part of the community and Air Force Appreciation Day with many donations of time and contributions.

For the bicentennial they built a float with a crank washer on the front and Wayne on the back with gold pan, pick, sagebrush and wagon wheel.

Both Chet and Jessie Tindall have served on both the hospital board and the hospital auxiliary.

Chet and Jessie Tindall have been married for more than 65 years, are parents of Ivan, Shannon and Wayne, grandparents of seven and great-grandparents of 10.

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  • God bless you both!

    -- Posted by coleenswenson on Wed, Aug 20, 2008, at 10:45 AM
  • I know these two very well. They could not of picked nicer people. Wow 65 years long time to be married. Congrats you two and God Bless you.

    -- Posted by Momof 2graduates on Wed, Aug 20, 2008, at 2:47 PM
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