Three More Mosquitoes with West Nile Found
Mosquitoes collected in three traps in and around Mountain Home have tested positive for West Nile virus, according to results released Monday by the Idaho State Bureau of Laboratories.
The mosquitoes were trapped between July 24 and 26th at three different locations within the Elmore County Interim Mosquito Abatement District.
One mosquito pool was located on the northwest side of Mountain Home near the freeway, another in a part of town near the Old Oregon Trail Highway, and the final pool near the CJ Strike Dam campground.
The Central District Health Department (CDHD) has been working cooperatively with the Elmore County Interim Mosquito Abatement District to provide surveillance of mosquito populations.
West Nile virus is a disease that normally cycles between mosquitoes and birds. Animals and humans are incidentally infected when bitten by a female mosquito infected with the virus.
The expanding presence of mosquito pools testing positive for West Nile virus serves as yet another reminder for citizens to 'Fight the Bite' of mosquitoes, Central District Health Department officials said.
They recommend:
* Apply insect repellent containing DEET or other EPA-approved repellents to exposed skin and clothing. Follow instructions on the product label, especially for children;
* Insect-proof their homes by repairing or replacing screens; and
* Reduce standing water or change water weekly in bird baths or decorative ponds that provide mosquito breeding habitat.
* Cover up exposed skin when outdoors; and
* Avoid mosquitoes when they are most active at dawn and dusk.
If there are mosquito breeding areas near your home call the Elmore County West Nile Hotline 1-866-884-2891. [See Mountain Home News for full story.]