Car crashes into woman's bedroom

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Coleen Hannigan had an unexpected visitor in her bedroom July 4 -- a car.

Shortly after 6 p.m. that day, Thomas Curren, 21, of Mountain Home, was traveling west on American Legion Boulevard when his vehicle struck on the driver's side approximately five dividing lane pylons used by construction crews to direct traffic.

According to police reports, he told authorities that the car, 2004 Chevrolet Impala, began pulling to the left causing it to suddenly turn sharply left. The vehicle then crossed the two eastbound lanes of American Legion Boulevard, drove across Hannigan's lawn and struck the house at the corner of 12th and American Legion, coming to rest in her bedroom.

It's not known what speed Curren was driving at the time. He was cited for inattentive driving.

The Red Cross assisted in providing temporary motel accommodations while Hannigan's house is repaired. Although the damage to the home was extensive, police reports said the building inspector had indicated the damage did not involve any weight-bearing supports.

The damage to the Curren car was described as "moderate."

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  • Red cross only provides 3 days.

    -- Posted by danecoat on Wed, Jul 9, 2008, at 10:53 AM
  • Sweetie, how about insurance for living expenses? Do you (or landlord) have it? How about the driver's insurance?

    And have you checked with the Rev. Truman Parker at the First Congregational Church, UCC -- he perhaps could point you to the Ministerial Association or other places for help.

    You and your son and cats just hang in there.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Wed, Jul 9, 2008, at 7:12 PM
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