
Congratulations grads

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our congratulations to those who will go through the graduation line this Friday and receive the diplomas they have earned from Mountain Home High School.

Nationally, and locally, today's drop-out rates are some of the highest in the last century. So making it through all 12 years of school is a significant accomplishment. Be proud of what you have achieved.

But to quote Winston Churchill, "this is not the end, or the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning."

For now, the real lives of the graduates begin. The days of being sheltered and protected are over. The sometimes scary real world awaits. Some will fail, but many, if not most, will succeed and go on to write new chapters in the history of our community, our state, the nation and the world.

It is a cliche to say that today's graduates are the future, but it is a true cliche. They will make this country better. They will expand the American dream.

For some graduates, the next few years will send them directly into the workforce, where they will continue their education learning the ins and outs of their chosen careers. You never stop learning even if it isn't in college or technical school.

For others, more "formal" education is in their immediate future, helping them gain the skills to become the next generation's doctors, lawyers, scientists and business leaders.

Today's graduates have done what one-third of their peers could not accomplish. They persevered and successfully completed 12 years of basic education.

It is something they should be proud of, as are we all.