Court notes-- week ending April 4, 2008
Magistrate Court
Jamie Allen Barnhart, 29, was found guilty for driving without privileges (8/10/06 case). Barnhart was sentenced to two days in jail, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and ordered to pay $72 in court costs.
Barnhart was found guilty for contempt of court, sentenced to five days (five days suspended) and fined $150 ($150 suspended).
Barnhart was found guilty for a second contempt of court charge and sentenced to five days in jail.
Barnhart was found guilty for an amended charge of driving without privileges (8/23/06 case--amended to failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license). Barnhart was sentenced to five days in jail.
Barnhart had a charge of operating without liability insurance (8/23/06 case) dismissed by the prosecutor.
Barnhart was found guilty for the use or possession with the intent to use drug paraphernalia (8/23/06 case). Barnhart was sentenced to five days in jail.
Barnhart was found guilty for contempt of court. Barnhart was sentenced to five days in jail (five days suspended) and fined $150 ($150 suspended).
Barnhart was found guilty for a second charge of contempt of court. Barnhart was sentenced to five days in jail.
Barnhart was found guilty for urinating in public (9/8/07 case). Barnhart was sentenced to one day in jail (one day credited) and ordered to pay $50 in court costs.
Barnhart was found guilty for contempt of court. Barnhart was sentenced to five days in jail.
Hector Juarez Garcilazo, 36, had a charge of driving without privileges (8/26/08 case) dismissed by the prosecutor.
Garcilazo was found guilty for possession of a controlled substance (8/26/06 case). Garcilazo was sentenced to 60 days in jail (43 days suspended, 17 days credited), placed on one year probation and fined $500 ($500 suspended) plus $206.50 in court costs.
Garcilazo had a charge of a misdemeanor probation violation (8/26/06 case) dismissed on a motion made by the prosecutor.
Megan D. Lehto, 22, pleaded not guilty for an amended charge of vicious dog (12/31/06 case--amended to dog running at large). Lehto was found guilty and fined $15.50 plus $41.50 in court costs.
Jayce C. Ralls, 13, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor (7/21/07 case). Ralls was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Ralls was found guilty for contempt of court and sentenced to two days in jail (two days suspended).
Ralls was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor (9/12/07 case). Ralls was sentenced to 10 days (10 days suspended) and ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Ralls had a charge of failure to appear for a misdemeanor citation (9/12/07 case) dismissed on a motion made by the prosecutor.
Joseph C. Schafer, 23, was found guilty for driving without privileges (10/3/07 case). Schafer was sentenced to four days in jail, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $250 plus $90.50 in court costs.
Coty J. Frampton, 23, had two charges of battery (10/20/07 case) dismissed on a motion made by the prosecutor.
Braulio Martinez, Jr., 15, was found guilty for the possession, consumption and the purchase of an alcoholic beverage by a minor (11/16/07 case). Martinez had his drivers license suspended for 30 days and fined $150 plus $78.50 in court costs.
Martinez was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license (11/16/07 case). Martinez was fined $150 plus $79.50 in court costs.
Martinez had a charge of contempt of court dismissed.
Kane E. Malicoat, 18, was found guilty for an amended charge of driving without privileges (11/28/07 case--amended to failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license). Malicoat was fined $150 plus $77.50 in court costs.
Malicoat was found guilty for inattentive/careless driving (11/28/07 case). Malicoat was sentenced to five days in jail (one day credited, concurrent with count III), issued a work release and fined $200.
Malicoat was found guilty for failure to provide proof of insurance (11/28/07 case). Malicoat was sentenced to four days in jail (concurrent with count II) and fined $250.
Malicoat had a charge of contempt of court dismissed.
Ricky C. Hoover, 18, had an amended charge of the use or possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia (12/6/07 case--amended to possessing marijuana/paraphernalia, use, influence by a minor) dismissed on a motion made by the prosecutor.
Hoover had a charge of failure to appear for a misdemeanor citation (12/6/07 case) dismissed by the court.
Victor M. Lopez Alanis, 22, was found guilty for an amended charge of driving without privileges (12/4/07 case--amended to failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license). Alanis was fined $200 plus $150.50 in court costs.
Alanis had a charge of failure to maintain liability insurance (12/4/07 case) dismissed on a motion made by the prosecutor.
Manuel F. Toledo, 47, was found guilty for driving without privileges (1/3/08 case). Toledo was sentenced to two days in jail (one day credited), had his drivers license suspended for 180 days, issued a work release and fined $250 plus $90.50 in court costs.
Guillermo M. Chavez, 21, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license (1/3/08 case). Chavez was fined $144.
Chavez had a contempt of court charge dismissed.
Casey J. Shippy, 23, was found guilty for driving without privileges (2/12/08 case). Shippy was sentenced to two days in jail, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days in jail and fined $250 plus $90.50 in court costs.
Camila J. Sandoval, 17, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor (3/14/08 case). Sandoval was sentenced to 10 days in jail (10 days suspended), placed on one year probation and fined $300 ($150 suspended) plus $78.50 in court costs.
Gregg Turner, 16, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor (3/19/08 case). Turner was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Carmen M. Zacarias, 50, was found guilty for operating without liability insurance (3/20/08 case). Zacarias was fined $100 plus $75.50 in court costs.
David S. Flamm, 26, was found guilty for driving under the influence (3/21/08 case). Flamm was sentenced to five days in jail (one day credited), placed on one year probation, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $600 plus $93.50 in court costs.
Ashlee N. Terrell, 14, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor (3/19/08 case). Terrell was ordered to pay $78.50 in court costs.
Kevin S. Haynes, 23, had a charge of failure to carry a drivers license on his person (3/21/08 case) dismissed by the court.
Justin D. Reynolds, 18, was found guilty for reckless driving (3/26/08 case). Reynolds was sentenced to 10 days in jail (10 days suspended), placed on six months probation and fined $300 ($150 suspended) plus $75.50 in court costs.
Pedro Castro, 17, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license (3/20/08 case). Castro was fined $68.50 plus $75.50 in court costs.