Bond auditorium would provide classroom space arts programs need

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's a scene observed every day by Mountain Home High School drama teacher Taunya Page.

On one side of the curtain in the high school gym she tries to teach students the in and outs of stage production and drama.

On the other side of the curtain, physical education classes are in progress.

Her class competes with the noise the PE classes make while going over their lines.

She knows she'd be more effective as a teacher standing on the gym floor, free to see the stage as the audience will, but that's not an option while another class is on the floor.

Neither is letting her students work on the technical aspects of a show, such as lighting and sound.

Rehearsal after school is the same -- the drama program will be forced to compete with the basketball, volleyball or whatever other athletic team has practice in the gym that day.

The performance arts wing included in the $37.5 million bond proposed by the school district will eliminate that problem for the band, drama and choir programs.

The performance wing will be composed of a 500-seat auditorium, band and choir classrooms, a few individual practice rooms for band and choir students and a drama classroom built directly behind the stage.

"It is long overdue that students in the performing arts have a space of their own," Page said.

Jerry Tippets, the high school band director, agrees with Page.

Because of the number of students in his band and the amount of room their instruments take up, the high school band has to perform in front of the stage on the gym floor.

His smaller jazz band does fit on the stage but must use a sound shell to project the sound towards the audience and not the stage's ceiling.

His band practices in a room that is about half the size needed for a band its size, Boise State University band director David A. Wells told Tippets when he visited the school recently.

Tippets said the band classroom included in the proposed plan is big enough to accommodate his students.

The increased space would bring more than just comfort to band students, it would improve their sound and instructions.

"Sound production would be better in a real band room," Tippets said. "I could tell more what's going on. With kids on risers, I can't tell the blend of the band very well."

Tippets said performing in an auditorium has two benefits. He said the audience would have a different feeling walking into an auditorium for a concert than they do walking into a gym being used for a concert and there is a huge difference between how the band would sound.

Principal Jeff Johnson said the auditorium would be an advantage for band and choir students because they would be able to practice in the auditorium for competitions held in auditoriums.

Johnson said the auditorium would be used daily by the drama program as well as for assemblies and presentations, such as the recent Rachel's Challenge presentation held in the high school gym.

Aside from school use, Johnson said the community would be able to use the auditorium.

Johnson said a friend of his from Mountain View High School, located in Meridian, told him their auditorium is used nearly every night by the community.

Johnson imagines the auditorium would be used much the same way in Mountain Home.

The auditorium could be used for events such as those sponsored by the Mountain Home Art's Council.

The Art's Council sponsored Ballet Idaho in March.

Because the drama program was using the stage for practice and left it set up for their use, the ballet had to take place on a tarp on the gym floor.

Peter Pawlyschyn, the associate director of Ballet Idaho, said an auditorium would make a huge difference in their performance.

He said when the audience sits on the same level as the performers, the audience can only see from the waist or knees up and is unable to see the articulation the dancers work hard on.

He also said the lighting would be improved and the entrance and exits would be more dramatic and fluid.

Page said performance arts helps kids stay in school that aren't interested in academics but pass academic classes to remain involved with band, choir or drama classes.

As an English teacher, she sees students who aren't interested in their English work become excited when they get a new script in her drama class.

She said performance art classes help students express themselves and become well-rounded.

"To see a student go from being a sophomore shy on stage to a senior who has blossomed because of the arts program is pretty incredible" Page said.

The opportunity to blossom would increase under the plan as a result of band and choir having their own rooms.

Because the band and choir teacher share a room, they are limited to the number of classes each can teach.

Tippets said separate rooms would open up opportunities not available right now. He would also be able to teach his jazz band class during the school day instead of meeting in the mornings before school starts.

Voters will vote on the bond issue April 29.

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  • They forgot to mention that every elementary school will have the opprotunity to use this auditorium from everything ranging to classroom plays, grade level productions, and elementary school music concerts.

    This is a true auditorium by every meaning of the word. Stadium seating with comfortable chairs, dynamic lighting, and properly designed acoustics.

    The most important part is the fact that EVERYONE in our community will finally have a proper and fitting location to host the arts. Andy Nevela and his jazz band, the USAF Singing Sergeants and Concert Band, not to mention the numerous other artists that come to this community through the Arts Council will be able to showcase their trade in a professional setting.

    Building an "Auditorium-type room" somewhere isn't going to be efficient to host all the events that pass through our town on a yearly basis, and it certainly won't promote a professional atmosphere.

    This facility would truly be an asset to our town. With the rest of the bond really geared to student opprotunities, this auditorium is focused on community usability.

    -- Posted by bond_supporter on Wed, Apr 2, 2008, at 6:59 PM
  • *

    Once again bond-supporter, maybe you can provide us a date and/or time when the open forum that we have been asking for is set for. No one has been able to find out if or when the district has these planned for and if they ever wish to see any of my $$$$$ then they need to step up and be willing to handle the fire.

    While it is a needed addition, why is it that we can add on to a critical care building like the hospital for less than a long planned school building? How about you answer that one since you seem to be a member of the in-crowd?

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Wed, Apr 2, 2008, at 11:23 PM
  • For the last bond, it was clearly stated in the newspaper numerous times and on the Mountain Home website when the community forum was.

    For Midea, Opinion Missy, and the Old guy - It is clear that you are not in favor of the bond no matter how much explanation the school district gives you. It is getting tiresome to see how often you can degrade a great school district. I have kids going through the school system right now. One at Hacker, one at the Junior High, and one at the High School. Hacker is the driving force of this bond. The overcrowdedness at this school is amazing. I'm sure Opinion Missy that you have seen this, since you have been in all the schools. Something has to be done and the answer does not lie with the opening of Stephensen, if the Base will even allow it. We don't want to cover the problem up with a band-aid to fix this, when a year from now the sore has been reopened and the district has sunk money into a new principal, custodians, teachers and the everyday expense of running a school and then realizing they need to run a bond again.

    It has been stated before, construction prices are up, but Tim McMurtrey and a committee, along with the architect got together to come up with a plan on WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF CHILDREN AND WHAT IS NEEDED FOR A GOOD EDUCATION, also looking at keeping the expense down as much as they can. By the way Tim was not even part of the committee for the bond that passed in 1995, so don't blame him. Talk to the contruction company that accidently put up a sign for 1 1/2 days that said "Future Home of the Mountain Home High School." They realized they made a mistake and that it was supposed to say "Future Home of the Mountain Home Junior High School - Phase 1, so they took the sign down.

    I know you are stuck on the whole expense of the gym, but like it or not, pushing almost 600 kids through a gym on a daily basis and this does not include sports, more courts are going to be needed. There are a few extra classrooms available for the growth that will happen and we all know that it is happening right now. The indoor track, that you are also so bent on, has two lanes. It is not the same expense that went into the building of the outdoor track at the Jr. High football field. Good question for you to ask when we see you at the community forum on how much the actual laying down of a non-slick surface will be. You will be surprised.

    One last thought for the 3 of you - If you feel that this district is not run right, teachers can't teach, kids can't read, write, do math and spell, and our test scores are down, run for the School Board and then you can really see how things are done in a school district. I'm sure your eyes will be opened and your mouths shut. Thank you.

    -- Posted by Hannah32 on Thu, Apr 3, 2008, at 11:24 AM
  • Haha. And Hannah lays it down! Best post I've seen on here, by far.

    -- Posted by mrfresh28 on Thu, Apr 3, 2008, at 12:09 PM
  • My daughter is in the drama club at the Jr. High and after attending their play this year they could benefit greatly by having an audotorium. They put on a great production but they didn't have the space needed. In order for the drama clubs, band and choirs to be able to perform to the best of their ablilties they need the room. Believe it or not colleges give scholorships to the arts and atheletic departments. With the economy the way it is in order for my child to go to the school she wants a scholorship would be very helpful. I think this is a needed add on to the school and the community.

    -- Posted by small town on Thu, Apr 3, 2008, at 2:24 PM
  • Old guy,

    I agree with you. This school district has been a little lacking when it comes to 100% information divulging, and I do not know the reasons behind their decisions. I simply express my opinions and leave the rest to the readers.

    As you may remember, the last time the school district tried to pass a bond, they held public forums. These were held close to the election date, and I believe about 5 people showed up. Do I think that the school district did a lousy job getting the word out, yes. Do they need to be more pro-active about announcing things to the common public, yes.

    That being said. It is a well known fact that the school board hosts a meeting every third Tuesday of the month. I am urging every one to go to one of these meetings and demand a public hearing and effectively advertise it. The next meeting is APRIL 15TH, 7:30PM AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE. Be aware that they will probably not answer your questions directly, as that is not how these meeting are run. They WILL take your comments into advisement.

    Long story short, when I find out when the current bond's forums will be held and where, I'll post all over this website.

    Go to the school board meetings, voice your concerns, DEMAND A PUBLIC MEETING, and be pro-active.

    As for the other issue... I cannot comment on why a school cost so much more than a hospital. I don't consider myself an "insider" and I have no information on the hospital costs. My concerns are with the passing of the School Bond.

    -- Posted by bond_supporter on Thu, Apr 3, 2008, at 2:47 PM
  • *


    I do not think I put down the students, teachers, staff or school board. You said it in your post that "Tim McMurtrey and a committee, along with the architect got together to come up with a plan". All I have asked for is to see where the common citizen input was considered for this plan. We have not heard of any compromise from the board and instead have just received vague information.

    And I had 2 children graduate from the school system recently so I have been to both the Jr and Senior High and agree that something needs to be done about the conditions at both locations. I just do not agree with the scale of the plan. I think $95,000 for a track is money that could be spent elsewhere to improve education for the children. I grew up in a large town and we had to run laps in the gym when the weather was bad. Maybe if the plan was revised some more, I would vote yes but if it stays the same then my opinion will stay the same.

    I was not living here when the last bond was passed and there fore have no knowledge of how well any community forum was advertised. I am only speaking about this bond. I have not seen any advertisement for a community forum, none are listed on the school district web site and the district could not tell me when was schedule for. So if you know when one is, maybe you can provide the rest of that information.

    Mrfresh28,,,,,,,,,enough said

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Apr 3, 2008, at 2:57 PM
  • Old guy,

    Found out the track is $30,000.

    -- Posted by mule on Thu, Apr 10, 2008, at 2:08 PM
  • $30,000 for the track. That would be less than 1/1000 of the bond that everyone is getting excited about.

    -- Posted by mule on Thu, Apr 10, 2008, at 2:34 PM
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