Court notes -- week ending Feb. 8, 2008
(Editor's note: The Mountain Home News reports all items released by the court each week. Readers should note, however, that some cases may be quite old. Any time there is a change in status of a case, such as a withheld judgement successfully or unsuccessfully completed, or a probation violation that results in all or part of a suspended sentence being executed, or a number of other factors, some quite minor, the case will be kicked back out by the courts and show up in the reports, usually without an explanation of what the change was.)
District Court
Rachel A. Peterson, 22, was found guilty for a charge of lottery-counterfeit/previously paid/altered lottery ticket, (4/15/07 case-retained jurisdiction). Peterson's charge was later dismissed by the court.
Magistrate Court
Armando Saucedo Torres, 24, had a charge of possession of a controlled substance dismissed by the court, (11/18/07 case).
Torres pleaded not guilty to a charge of the use or possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia, (11/18/07 case). The charge was later dismissed by the prosecutor.
Torres pleaded not guilty to charges of fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, resisting or obstructing officers and driving without privileges - 1st offense, (11/18/07 cases). The charges were dismissed by the prosecutor.
Efren Martinez, 27, had a charge of failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (8/5/05 case), that was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Matthew William Davis, 23, was found guilty for driving under the influence, (7/21/07 case). Davis was sentenced to 60 days in jail (55 days suspended, 1 day credited), placed on 1 year probation, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $1,000 ($400 suspended) plus $230.50 in court costs.
Joseph A. Lopez, 23, had repeated charges of battery, (6/16/07 cases), dismissed by the prosecutor.
Andrew J. O'Connell, 33, pleaded not guilty to a charge of constant disturbing sounds of any animal, (8/7/07 case), the charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Shantel M. Snodgrass, 22, had a charge of battery-domestic violence, (8/19/07 case), dismissed by the prosecutor.
Jose Hernandez, 19, pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault or battery upon certain personnel, (11/16/07 case), dismissed by the prosecutor.
Hernandez had charges of resisting or obstructing officers and the possession, consumption and the purchase of an alcoholic beverage by a minor, (11/16/07 cases), dismissed by the prosecutor.
Lorenzo S. Gomez, 21, pleaded not guilty to a charge of battery, (11/17/07 case). The charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Braulio Martinez, Jr., 15, was found guilty for the possession, consumption and the purchase of an alcoholic beverage by a minor, (11/16/07 case). Martinez had his drivers license suspended for 30 days and was fined $150 plus $78.50 in court costs.
Martinez was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (11/16/07 case). Martinez was fined $150 plus $79.50 in court costs.
Brianna N. Rodriguez, 18, was found guilty for an amended charge of inattentive/careless driving, (11/29/07 case-amended to following too closely-reasonable and prudent). Rodriguez was fined $33.50 plus $44.50 in court costs.
David R. Malone, 44, pleaded not guilty to a charge of disturbing the peace/ willfully disturbing the neighborhood, (11/30/07 case), the charge was later dismissed by the prosecutor. Malone was ordered to pay $100 in forfeited bonds.
Jose G. Castillo, Jr., 23, was found guilty for driving under the influence, (12/4/07 case). Castillo was sentenced to 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), placed on 1 year probation, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $1,000 ($500 suspended) plus $90.50 in court costs.
Castillo was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (12/4/07 case). Castillo was fined $150.
Amber N. Gipson, 23, had a charge of destruction of a telecommunication line/instrument, (12/30/07 case), dismissed by the prosecutor.
Jared Cook, 29, was found guilty for the unlawful transport of an open alcoholic beverage container, (1/23/08 case). Cook was fined $75 plus $75.50 in court costs.
Jason Delaney I, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (1/25/08 case). Delaney was fined $68.50 plus $75.50 in court costs.
Mario L. Mackie, 30, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (1/24/08 case). Mackie was fined $68.50 plus $75.50 in court costs.