School bond not for education
Dear editor:
It is unfortunate that we are again going to be asked to vote on a school bond that is not about education. If it had been it may well have passed the last time this was placed before the voters.
The primary purpose for this bond was for an auditorium and a gymnasium, neither of which furthers education. The auditorium could be used, we are told, for a gradation ceremony once a year but without classrooms and teachers there is little or no need for such a ceremony. The gymnasium and its second floor running track may be a fine place for the sport fans to beat their chest about "their" team but this ego trip has little to do with learning the skills and gaining the understanding necessary to function in the flat world.
If Mountain Home needs an auditorium or a gymnasium the supporters should place an auditorium and or gymnasium bond issue before the voting public. If there is really a great demand for such facilities it is likely private enterprise would have already built them and be making a profit from them.
Could this be another case of a few wanting the many to pay for their facilities?
Leonard Hutterman