'Liberal' Fox News blasted
Dear editor:
I said I was done and I meant it, but leave it to the Left. FOX News, who was at one time, the only unbiased appearing major news network, has now caved in to the liberals as well, by omitting both Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter from the New Hampshire debates, in a direct violation of the 1st Amendment, which is being tactfully dismantled over these past few years anyway.
In Ron Paul's case, I think they are either being pressured or paid off. Congressman Paul is a threat to a lot of bureaucrats who have reason to fear an Oval Office with him in it. The oil magnates and their fellow war profiteers. Certainly the Rockefellers, if their illegal, unconstitutional sugar-daddy IRS were abolished. Those who support illegal amnesty don't want Ron Paul's name ANYWHERE that voters might remember it at election time.
The men who drafted our Constitution didn't trust government, not even the one they were creating. Having just routed the British monarchy out of here, the idea was that they'd put some safeguards in place, not to make rules for citizens, but to keep any potential rogue government in check.
This past generation of politicians has sought to empower themselves by "re-defining" and telling us what our founding fathers "really" meant. One amendment at a time. Congressman Paul is a HUGE threat to that.
Ron Paul says our constitution worked well before we started tampering with it, and for the record, he has never voted for anything NOT supported by our constitution.
OK, so maybe America HAS gone stupid, and maybe Ron's patriotism toward the principles this country was founded upon don't "fit" anymore in today's America, and God help us if that's true, because we're done next year if it is.
Even in the face of being overwhelmed by terrorists, illegals and a corrupt government, maybe we will still allow the media to tell us how to think, how to vote, when to breathe and when to go to the can. Maybe guys like Ron Paul don't have a realistic chance in our mind-controlled country, but the man has a right to be heard, and how dare FOX or anybody else, dictate who gets to speak and who doesn't? The Nazis were at least open about it and wore uniforms so "der peeples" would know who they were.
This is wrong. Rest assured I have joined thousands of others who have gotten into FOX's face about this, and would encourage every reader to do the same. This is your fight too, friend. It might be YOUR candidate who gets gagged the next time around, if there IS one.
Having to write this letter irritates me to no end. I've had enough of this, I really have. But this recent FOX stunt needs exposure and recourse.
Mike Bradbury