It's not the holiday time, let's call it what it is, Christmas
Dear editor:
I recently met some gentlemen from South Africa that were working in the Elmore County area. I personally like meeting people of different countries, learning their takes on life and the variations between the American way of life.
While talking with one particular fellow, I wished him a Merry Christmas. He smiled at me and told me that was one of the things he liked about America. He said in South Africa they have a candle festival, it's the way it translates in his language, but he really like the way we said Merry Christmas. He is a religious gentleman and he likes the word Christmas, as it has the word "Christ" in it and all that this season really means by that one word.
I thought about it a while after he left and have to say, I agree with him.
Christmas is not about taking the holidays off, unless you believe in Christ. I don't think you should be out spending money at these "Holiday" sales unless you believe in Christmas, hence Christ. Really, the stores shouldn't have sales, because they no longer are Christmas sales, but holiday sales and this would not be a holiday without Christmas.
Imagine the money our government and companies would save by eliminating the holiday pay given to all those non-believers of Christmas living in America. Let's start with the politicians that have said no more Pledge of Allegiance in our schools.
We as a nation have become so concerned about what we are saying, being politically correct, that we are losing all that we, as a nation, began with. Our forefathers would be utterly mortified to see, not how far we have come, but how stilted our speech has become. We, as a people, are so afraid of offending anyone and everyone, even saying the simple phrase "Merry Christmas" doesn't necessarily come out right.
I just want to end with, if you see me walking down the street, at my place of employment, or in a store, please wish me a Merry Christmas. I won't take offense, but I will return your greeting joyously and heartfelt.
Carol Anselment