Court Notes -- week ending November 30, 2007
Magistrate Court
Grant L. Larson, 42, was found guilty for a charge of battery-domestic violence, (7/13/05 case). Larson was sentenced to 180 days (170 days suspended, 10 days credited), placed on 1 year probation, fined $1,000 ($750 suspended) plus 277.50 in court costs.
Larson was found guilty for a probation violation, and sentenced to 15 days in jail.
Allison E. McDougal, 24, was found guilty for three amended charges of fraud-no account check, (4/4/06 case). The charges were amended to fraud - insufficient funds check.
Under the first charge, McDougal was sentenced to 30 days in jail (30 days suspended), placed on 1 year probation, and fined $535 ($350 suspended) plus $499.50 in court costs.
Under the second charge, McDougal was sentenced to 30 days in jail (30 days suspended), placed on 90 days probation, and fined $535 ($350 suspended) plus $499.50 in court costs.
Under the third charge, McDougal was sentenced to 30 days in jail (30 days suspended) and fined $535 ($350 suspended) plus $499.50 in court costs.
McDougal was found guilty for a probation violation, (4/4/06 case). McDougal was sentenced to 15 days in jail.
Jamie Allen Barnhart, 29, was found guilty for driving under the privileges, (8/10/06 case). Barnhart was sentenced to 2 days in jail, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days, and fined $250 plus $189.50 in court costs.
Barnhart was found guilty for contempt of court, sentenced to 5 days in jail (5 days suspended, consecutive with CR-2006-2811), and fined $150 ($150 suspended).
Barnhart was found guilty for an amended charge of driving without privileges, (8/23/06 case). The charge was amended to failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license. Barnhart was sentenced to 5 days in jail and fined $150 plus $172.50 in court costs.
Barnhart was charged with insurance-operate my without liability insurance, (8/23/06 case). The charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Barnhart was found guilty for the use or possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia, (8/23/06 case). Barnhart was sentenced to 5 days in jail and fined $175 plus $50 in court costs.
Barnhart was found guilty for contempt of court, sentenced to 5 days in jail (5 days suspended, consecutive to CR-2006-2655), and fined $150 ($150 suspended).
Ramona Monica Zamora, 33, was found guilty for driving without privileges, (3/8/07 case). Zamora was sentenced to 2 days in jail (2 days credited), had her drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $225 plus $87.50 in court costs.
Mitchell H. Pence, 49, was found guilty for driving under the influence, (4/26/07 case), however the case has been withheld.
Jenipher C. Petersen, 19, was found guilty for driving without privileges, (5/16/07 case). Petersen was sentenced to 15 days in jail, had her drivers license suspended for 180 days, issued a work release and fined $300 plus $212.50 in court costs.
Adam J. Elick, 22, was charged with battery, (7/1/07 case). The charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Trever J. Dekker, 17, was found guilty for an amended charge of reckless driving, (8/21/07 case). The charge was amended to inattentive/careless driving.
Jon J. Moseley, 23, was found guilty for reckless driving, (8/17/07 case). Moseley was sentenced to 90 days in jail (83 days suspended), placed on 18 months probation, and fined $500 ($200 suspended) plus $75.50 in court costs.
Aurelia Gonzalez, 40, was found guilty for an amended charge of driving without privileges, (8/31/07 case). The charge was amended to failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license. Gonzalez was fined $75 plus $75.50 in court costs.
Randy J. Larrea, 23, pleaded not guilty for a nuisance dog, (9/12/07 case). Larrea was found guilty and fined $122.50.
Stephanie L. Martin, 51, was found guilty for driving under the influence, (10/7/07 case), however the case has been withheld.
Tommy D. Berry, 55, was found guilty for driving under the influence, (10/13/07 case). Berry was sentenced to 180 days in jail (160 days suspended, 20 days or 250 hours community service), placed on 2 years probation, had his drivers license suspended for 6 months, and fined $1,000 plus $90.50 in court costs.
Berry was charged with unlawful transportation (open container) of an alcoholic beverage, (10/13/07 case). The charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Justin D. Phillips, 22, was found guilty for disturbing the peace, (10/25/07 case). Phillips was fined $144.
James T. Jessup, 15, was found guilty for failure to validate or attach game tags to a carcass, (11/3/07 case). Jessup was fined $100 plus $83 in court costs.
Patrick S. Young, 45, was found guilty for failure to validate or attach game tags to a carcass, (11/3/07 case). Young was fined $100 plus $83.00 in court costs.
Jesse L. Cavanagh, 14, was found guilty for the possession, consumption and purchase of an alcoholic beverage by a minor, (11/8/07 case). Cavanagh was placed on 6 months probation, had her drivers license suspended for 30 days and fined $150 ($150 suspended) plus $99.50 in court costs.
Jose A. Lopez, 43, was found guilty for shooting from or across a public highway, (11/10/07 case). Lopez had his drivers license suspended for 1 year and fined $350 plus $83 in court costs.
Lopez was charged with hunting game animals or birds from a motorized vehicle, the charge was dismissed by the prosecutor.
Adam S. Wegrzyniak, 17, was found guilty for possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor, (11/13/07 case), Wegrzyniak was fined $75.50.
Wegrzyniak was found guilty for driving without privileges, (11/13/07 case). Wegrzyniak was sentenced to 2 days jail, had his drivers license suspended for 180 days and fined $250 plus $90.50 in court costs.
Timothy Allen Paglia, 24, was found guilty for a violation of a no contact order, (11/14/07 case). Paglia was sentenced to 180 days in jail.
Holly M. Simpson, 14, was found guilty for possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor, (11/16/07 case). Simpson was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Ronald M. Moessmer, 52, was found guilty for dogs running at large, (11/16/07 case). Moessmer was fined $15.50 plus $41.50 in court costs.
Hannah R. Holland, 13, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor, (11/16/07 case). Holland was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Allan J. Minnier, Jr., 16 was found guilty for possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor, (11/16/07 case). Minnier was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Arlene Melondez, 37, was found guilty for dog running at large, (11/19/07 case). Melondez was fined $57.
Payton L. Lewis, 15, was found guilty for the possession, distribution and the use of tobacco by a minor, (11/20/07 case). Lewis was ordered to pay $75.50 in court costs.
Alvaro Reyes-Franco, 28, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (11/25/07 case). Franco was fined $150 plus $75.50 in court costs.
Franco was found guilty for failure to provide proof of insurance, (11/25/07 case). Franco was sentenced to 2 days in jail (2 days credited) and fined $250.
Victor Torrez, 16, was found guilty for failure to purchase and holding an invalid drivers license, (11/23/07 case). Torrez was fined $68.50 plus $75.50 in court costs.
William T. Mccormack, 44, was found guilty for dog running at large, (11/13/07 case). Mccormack was fined $57.
(Editor's note: The Mountain Home News reports all items released by the court each week. Readers should note, however, that some cases may be quite old. Any time there is a change in status of a case, such as a withheld judgement successfully or unsuccessfully completed, or a probation violation that results in all or part of a suspended sentence being executed, or a number of other factors, some quite minor, the case will be kicked back out by the courts and show up in the reports, usually without an explanation of what the change was.)