Kids need to learn about all religions
Dear editor:
Reference my letter, "Religion not appropriate for subject in schools, (Nov. 21)" and the letter from Barbara J. Larson, "No Prayer In School Right, But Too Bad (Nov. 28)."
Thank you Barbara for agreeing with the me about no religion in schools, however... Religion can not be fairly and effectively taught by parents as no parents can teach their kids about all religions anymore than any school teacher. If the kids are to be knowledgeable about religion, and be able to make their own religious choice (when old enough), they must learn at least the basics of all major religions. The average American parents may be able to teach about the difference and beliefs of most Protestant faiths and maybe Catholicism, but, can they also teach about Islamic, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Millions of people believe in faiths other than Christianity. Maybe your kids would believe in one of these other faiths. If they were knowledgeable about most major religions. How can kids make a religious choice on their own if they have no knowledge of other faiths?
Religion and politics are personal beliefs for anyone knowledgeable in these subjects. Look about at relatives, friends and neighbors, and their kids. The odds are that if the grandparents were, for instance, Catholic liberals, then the parents and grandchildren are usually Catholic liberals. If one or more are not Catholic liberals it is probably because they finally learned the differences between the religions and political parties and chose their own beliefs. Usually when they are 21 years old or older.
The above paragraph reinforces what I said in my previous letter. Parents brainwash their kids on subjects the parents believe in. Children between three and eight years old learn more in that time span then in any five year span for the rest of their lives.
The parents are the number one authority figure and kids must obey (usually). How can we teach our religion/politics to kids that young when (always) there is no proof that ours is the only true religion or political party? Hitler tried it with his youth party/corps and it worked well until the end of WWII. Are parents no better than Hitler?
Naturally, parents must teach their kids right from wrong, and the morals (non-religious) of their society. They should also be taught compassion for others, the truth about bigotry, and the ability to think for themselves with knowledge and logic.
If parents teach their kids about religion (and I'm sure most God fearing parents will) they must tell them that religion is the parent's choice and that it is not the only choice available, that when they get older the can make their own choice. They should also tell that when the kids are older, if they choose another religion/political party different from mom and dad's, mom and dad will still love them and respect their choices.
Barbara, what prayer would you have the schools start with? If I were an Islamic I probably wouldn't agree of your prayer. Would you like it if a rabbi said the prayer? Enough said, to each his own. Please respect the views of other.
Pen Bidwell