Reader complains of bazaar behavior
Dear editor:
'Tis the Season for gift-giving, good cheer, deceit and intrigue at our holiday bazaars. What?
Deceit and intrigue at holiday bazaars? Who ever heard of that? Especially when it involves a church bazaar?
I was and still am very disappointed in those who were involved with the bazaar at Hacker Middle on Saturday, Nov. 3, who told customers they should not attend the Knights of Columbus' Bazaar because a fee was being charged at the door to enter. For those few customers who came anyway, you are appreciated.
For those who did not come because of such a falsehood being said, you were missed. For there was not a fee charged, nor has there ever been a fee charged.
I am a local, self-employed business owner who has many choices at this time of year in which bazaars to attend. I can guarantee that I will no longer support those who feel the need to carry on such business practices. Not only is it completely wrong and dishonest, but they truly have only hurt themselves.
Tina DenBleyker