Prouty tells voters thanks
Dear editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the voters of Mountain Home that supported me during the city council election.
I greatly appreciate and thank the individuals that have taken the time to listen, offer their advice, posted or offered to post signs, and those that took time to write letters of character.
As I have learned, running for office requires a tremendous amount of help, and I couldn't have done it without you!
I'd also like to commend the other three candidates and their campaigns in what has been a very enjoyable and civil race. I believe each of us have shown to be interested in the future of our great city and would serve the people respectfully regardless of the outcome. It has been a pleasure to run against individuals of such fine character.
Finally, I would like to say what an incredible and educational experience it has been to run for city council. I have always carried a high regard for the people of Mountain Home and the amazing sacrifices they make for the community.
I have come to really respect all those that volunteer their time to the many great organizations that do so much for the community.
I have learned, thanks to all of you, how to be a better, more positive and productive citizen of this great city.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the American election process.
Mitch Prouty