Space program is costly
Dear editor:
I was interested in the editorial you wrote recently.
I just recently finished an amazing documentary, (NBC's "An American Adventure: SPACE") and have been prone to study much on this very same subject. The things I learned were insightful and amazing. I am thrilled by the way our country's space technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few decades, and though a space race with China, another trip to the moon, of even a trip to Mars, may sound exciting, one must not be blind as to ignore the fact that the vast amount of resources that this would require are, by any means, very TAXING.
The thought of another trip into the depth's of space bring me to something you said in the paper "Now, using an "Apollo on steroids" approach we're planning on going back to the moon, and eventually, Mars. It will take twice as long as the original Apollo program and cost far more than the original project." When you say "Apollo on steroids" I would assume the word, steroids, to mean money, or in other words, the hard-earned money of the American taxpayer.
And, finally I would like you and anybody else reading this to realize the fact the our country is in deep national debt (not to blame anybody) and another space program such as the one you speak of could and would be an immense drain on this nation's resources.
Now don't get me wrong, I am thrilled by the idea of farther exploring space, but I would simply hope that we would all consider the fact that there some things of more importance that could use our time, energy, and resources down here on this little green Earth of ours.
Spencer Goodrich, 15