Prouty is smart and ready to lead
Dear editor:
I am supporting Mitch Prouty for city council. I would like to explain why.
The fact that Mitch has a BA degree from Boise State University and a Master's Degree from Albertson's College, supports the notion that Mitch is smart and can stick to goals. For those of us who have attended college, we know how difficult it is to finish a degree.
But there is more to Mitch than finishing college.
Mitch was a successful public school teacher for 10 years. During that period of his life he devoted a good portion of his after school time coaching young athletes in football and basketball. I admire teachers and coaches of young people.
But there is more to Mitch than teaching and coaching.
Mitch entered the family business and was instrumental in the substantial growth to the business. He manages finances and makes good business decisions.
But there is more to Mitch than being a successful businessman.
The true measure of a man, in my opinion, is the manner in which he lives his life. Mitch is an honest, straight-forward, dependable person. He is one of those guys that you don't have to guess how they are going to act or how they are going to treat you. Mitch treats people with respect and trust and he expects the best from people.
This is what I like most about Mitch. And this is the reason I plan to cast my vote for him for city council.
Billy Roeder