Mitch Prouty can help city hall regain its focus
Dear editor:
Mitch Prouty is a friend of mine. I have known him for the better part of ten years. Mitch is running for city council and I plan to vote for him.
Here is why.
Mitch is a good person. He doesn't have a sour bone in his body and isn't the type to fight over opinion just for the sake of fighting. He is the kind of person who will think things through before jumping out and making hasty decisions. Decisions that may not be in the best interests of our town.
According to accounts in the newspaper, it seems to me that our current city council has spent way to much time fighting among themselves. Not arguing or discussing with the purpose of making a good decision. Just plain fighting. Of course some of it is politics and some of it is a genuine disagreement on philosophy. Either way, it is time to refocus.
Let me stress that not all of the council is fighting all of the time. I also know the current council members and believe they, too, are good people trying to do a good job. Not all of them are fighting all of the time. However, I do believe that somehow their focus has become blurred. At least for the short term.
I think if Mitch is elected he can help to refocus on doing the city's business.
This is why I plan to vote for Mitch.
Mike Vitley