AFAD volunteers thanked
Dear editor:
I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for all those who helped make this past weekend's AFAD a wonderful success.
To Randy Valley and his AFAD Committee, Sue Gross and her team of parade organizers, to the many workers and volunteers who spent countless hours preparing for, carrying out and then cleaning up after such a huge event. Without the assistance of the City of Mountain Home, the police, fire and parks and recreation departments, those who prepared, cooked and served the food, the parade organizers, those who helped in setting up and the tearing down of booths and assisting with the many dignitaries, this annual event would not be possible, and I humbly say thank you for your involvement.
A special thank you needs to go to Debbie Shoemaker and Nancy Marshall from the Chamber of Commerce office for their overall involvement to insure that things went as smoothly as possible and everyone having a wonderful time.
Albert Clement,
Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce