
School bond is needed

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The school bond next Thursday is crucial to the future of the students of Mountain Home.

District officials see the new high school building, if approved, as a tool to meet its goals of improving education for our children. It's amazing how much of a difference it really can make.

The district, by being able to bring the ninth-grade students into the high school if the bond is approved, will be able to do a much more efficient job of utilizing its staff, especially in the area of students who need extra help.

It will greatly expand the opportunities for vocational technical and professional education -- "real world" skills kids can use to get good-paying real jobs as soon as they graduate, as opposed to simply being able to ask if the customer wants their fast-food meal supersized.

It will expand the opportunities for both district and community performing arts programs, and recreational/athletic opportunities.

It will add to the economy with its ability to host district, regional and state tournaments.

It is a multi-faceted proposal that will benefit not only the students, but the community as a whole.

And we can't stress this enough -- it's not going to get any cheaper. Construction costs are skyrocketing. Whether the voters approve it now, or some time in the future, it's a facility this community needs, but approving it now will save money in the long run.

For $8.50 cents per month per $100,000 of assessed valuation (after homeowner and 50-50 circuit breaker exemptions), this is not a "break the bank" proposal for the average pocketbook. Nobody likes having taxes go up, but most people could afford that.

And it's a facility that will last into the next generation, at least. The voters need to have the vision to see into the future and help our children be prepared properly for that future.

The current high school is 55 years old. It's time to give students a chance to move into the modern age with a modern facility designed for the needs of modern technology.

We urge voters to approve this bond -- a step toward a brighter future for the children of Mountain Home.

-- Kelly Everitt