Second Amendment is key
Dear editor;
One of the things I've always admired about Kelly Everitt is his willingness to show both sides of every issue, an extremely rare trait among newspaper editors.
Wherever you stand on the 2nd Amendment, there can be little doubt that without it, you can't protect the rest of them. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
Agreeing to disagree, I think an armed society IS more polite and the stats are there to support it. The cities with the toughest gun laws continue to have the highest crime rates, because only the honest citizens obey those bans and thus become a rabble of victims. Washington, D.C., New York, Detroit, etc.
The gun ban on Virginia Tech's campus assured that nut that he would have no resistance at all in slaying 52 students. The bad guys don't play by the rules, and the system coddles them if and when they are caught.
Kennesaw, Ga., on the other hand, is not a town where a criminal would want to apply his trade. On a larger scale, there is Switzerland. Home invasions aren't the norm in a country where there is an AUTOMATIC weapon in every home. Don't take my word for this, go online and check Switzerland's crime rate for yourselves, THEN we'll discuss "polite societies."
If you're a non-gun owner, you don't know what discrimination is. Felons are plea bargained loose everyday, right back out the door, while the Feds put more regulations on US as some kind of fix.
KNOWING they'd never pass a background check, hoods get their weapons on the black market, while us good guys continue to wade through the paperwork, waiting periods and record keeping world of "Big Brother," who tracks gun owners tighter than he does child molesters.
Drunk drivers kill more people than guns. Cigarettes kill several times more people than guns AND they addict our young at an early age, but there aren't a bunch of bills in Congress trying to ban THEM. Besides discrimination, there is the height of hypocrisy when Ted Kennedy, who should have been jailed for drunken manslaughter, is the very parasite who leads the anti-gun attack.
Trying to understand the liberal mind, the average gun owner asks himself "How is taking MY gun supposed to stop crime?" We gun-toting simpletons have yet to figure out how taking from the good will protect us from the bad. There is obviously some hidden formula we've all missed.
Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. Kelly's right, a lone patriot with a .30-06 isn't going to stop an invasion, and because most Americans lack the fortitude of our founding fathers and seem content to accept whatever comes their way as long as it doesn't interrupt the Super Bowl, there probably won't be as many of us out front as there should be, when the time comes.
Turning 60 next year won't deter me from defending my family against the bad guys, theirs or ours. A 60-year old Marine is still a Marine and my .30-06 is an M-1 Garand, so let'em come. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Mike Bradbury