Guard volunteers clean up lot in city

The Idaho Army National Guard cleaned up an overrun lot at 1180 E. 6th S. St. recently as a city service project and received a $500 donation to the Cheer Basket Program for their hard work.
Soldiers of Bravo Troop with the 2-116 ARS (the armored reconnaissance squadron stationed at the Mountain Home armory) endured the heat and maneuvered their way around bees all while digging up weeds, cutting down trees, and removing other fire hazard debris from the lot owned by Retired Lt. Col. Oscar (deceased) and Gwenn Hermann.
Staff Sgt. Darin Henecke, Recruiting and Retention NCO, said that last year they cleaned up the green belt, so he went down to the Building Department and asked if they needed help. "Kelly Janis, (the City Code Enforcer), then contacted us and said 'we have a project that needs an adult supervisor unit.'"
"When we can, we're more than happy to do it (help), " said Capt. Monty Blamires. "We try to give back to the community. Not just my group, but all soldiers."
The soldiers volunteering agreed that giving back to the community was a good thing.
"I enjoy it. I grew up with hard work, and my dad taught me the value of helping others. (It) Feels good afterwards. (It is) good to see a project that looks a lot better when you're done with it. This is a good thing here and hopefully it will help the area look a little better and (it) helps the owner of the lot as well," said 1st Lt. Benjamin Cook.
"We're helping out the community. You guys asked, and we answered the call. I also live here," said Spc. Michael Litz.
2nd Lt. Seth Myers added, "It's awesome to know that, especially surrounding neighbors, now have a better view. (It) gives us a sense of accomplishment and pride to work and get your hands a little dirty."
Janis said that this was a "really big project that was an eyesore and a fire hazard. We've been needing to get this done.
"I can't thank these guys enough for what they are doing," said Janis. "Finally getting it done and seeing what happened today was absolutely beautiful."
For their effort and time, a donation of $500 from the Oscar and Gwenn Hermann Family Trust was made to the Cheer Basket Program per the request of the soldiers.
The property manager of the lot, Angela Rossmann, said "It's reassuring that there is such concern about the community in Mountain Home because that doesn't happen everywhere in the United States."
"We were deployed to Iraq and had so much support, so we look for different opportunities to give back to the community," said Cook.
"Thank god you guys (in the Idaho Army National Guard) stepped in" said Councilman Tom Rist. "The city was going to hire a private contractor and it was going to be pricey,
"The neighbor (across the way) thought we were being invaded. Thank you guys so much," said Rist.
Janis sends out 45 to 60 violations every month. "We will by all means work with our citizens to get the work done, especially the disabled or elderly," said Janis. "It's important for the community to know we need their help. It's a very huge problem."
The following soldiers volunteered for the Hermann clean-up project and will all receive individual letters of thanks from Mayor Joe B. McNeal:
Capt. Monty Blamires, Staff Sgt. Darin Henecke, Sgt. 1st Class Matt Fletcher, 2nd Lt. Zeke Vanhooser, Staff Sgt. Matt Torres, Spc. James Widner, Staff Sgt. Dave Craig, 2nd Lt. Seth Myers, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Garner, Sgt. Adam Arriero, Sgt. Michael Banks, Spc. Lee Kernes, Sgt. Shaun Hall, Spc. Juan Garcia, Spc.Michael Litz, Staff Sgt. Michael Faller, Spc. Justin Long, Pfc. Derek Holm, 1st Lt. Ben Cook, 1st Sgt. Craig Coates.