Huge crowds turn out for 60th Annual Camp Wilson event
The 60th Annual Camp Wilson Barbecue was held Sunday, May 6.
The Boy Scout Troops sat with the sun beaming down on them with a slight breeze blowing while they honored those troops who were recognized during the Court of Honor. There were many awards and recognition presented starting with the Barbecue Committee being recognized and given a plaque for all their hard work.
The troops then began receiving awards for the various activities hosted at the Camp Wilson Camporee 2007.
The Hike-in Award went to Troop 112 from Nampa. Troop 323 was then recognized for their stir fry in the Judged Meal activity.
The camp site inspector then gave out the awards for the best campsites. This award was decided upon based on the cleanliness of the camp site and how the site was set up and the food was stored, making sure critters could not get into the food.
First place went to Troop 320 of Pocatello. Troop 73 of Grand View took second place, and third went to Troop 48 of Boise.
The Knowledge Relay Awards followed. For this award patrol asked each troop 100 questions, but it was not only based on the questions but also on the troops' attitudes and yells when coming into camp. Three troops were in the 80 question range.
Crew 57 of Mountain Home received first place. Second place went to Troop 57, Tiger Patrol of Mountain Home, and Troop 57, Shark Patrol of Mountain Home placed third.
Recognition was then given to all those who helped with the maze before the awards for the maze were given. In first place was Crew 57. Second place went to Troop 57, Shark Patrol, and third place was given to Troop 323, Buffalo Patrol of Emmett.
Awards for first aid were then awarded to the troops. Receiving 179 points out of a possible 200 points, Troop 112, Bison Patrol of Nampa took first place. They were followed by Troop 323, Buffalo Patrol in second, and Troop 48, Titans Patrol of Boise took third place.
The Campsite Relay Awards followed. In this activity times were not the only factor. Being prepared also was a major factor. The scouts had to race with their backpacks on then set up a camp and race back.
Troop 40, Webelos of Meridian took first place. Troop 323, Buffalo Patrol followed in second place, and third place went to Troop 48, Mountain Men Patrol.
Archery awards were then given to Crew 57 in first, Troop 73, Eagle Patrol in second and Troop 112, Bison Patrol in third.
After the archery awards there was a small performance put on by Troop 323. They sang the Belly Button song to help out a fellow scout whose notebook had been found by one of the camp leaders. If a scout loses something he must sing a silly song if front of everyone to get the item back.
Once the brief entertainment was over, recognition went out to those who helped with the obstacle course. Then the awards for the obstacle course were presented. Coming in first was Troop 323, Buffalo Patrol followed by Troop 112, Bison Patrol with Crew 57 coming in third.
The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Competition awards were then awarded. Troop 102 of Mountain Home Air Force Base was first. Second place went to Troop 323, and third place was given to Troop 112.
The skillet for the Scoutmasters Pancake Race was awarded to Troop 112. Afterwards, the Barbecue Committee presented a sponsorship. Each year they sponsor one scout to a summer camp, and the scout masters help by letting the committee know who is deserving of such an award. This year Mitchell Ranick was chosen for the award.
The Overall Top Patrols were then announced. Troop 323, Buffalo Patrol was ranked first. This was the fifth year straight that Troop 323 took Camp Wilson. They were followed by Troop 112, Bison Patrol in second, and third went to Crew 57.
The Alton Harris Leadership Award was then awarded to Troop 112. They received a check for equipment and the SPL received a leadership award.
The Overall Troop for Camp Wilson was then announced. Troop 323 received the Presidential Unit Award for obtaining over 85 percent of available points during Camp Wilson Camporee 2007. That was the first Presidential Unit Award received in at least eight years by any troop. Troop 112 came in second for overall troop followed by Troop 57 in third.
The ranking of overall troop for Camp Wilson is very important to the troops. The number one troop had the honor of retiring the colors at the Court of Honor and then raising them at the Camp Wilson Barbecue. The ranking also determines the order of who gets food first.
The scouts all received one more surprise before leaving the Court of Honor, and it had nothing to do with winning awards. Camp Wilson Camporee 2007 was free this year and the scouts all got their registration money back and a 2007 participation badge.
David Aparicio, with troop 323 said, the kids "definitely had a good time. Good for the kids. The troop that we have, they enjoy everything. It's very rare they don't like something, so I can't put one thing as them enjoying the most."
Brandon Ashey, a volunteer with Troop 48 said, "It's [Camp Wilson] great, we took fourth place. The boys have improved a lot over the years. They enjoy tug-a-war and the obstacle course."
Clark, a scout with Troop 48 said, "I had a pretty good time. The sun coming out and getting my toes unfrozen was the best part." He was also "pretty excited about the barbecue." This was his first year at Camp Wilson, and "I've heard the food is in the ground. I don't get that."
Donald, a scout from Troop 48 said, "Yeah archery," when asked what the best part of Camp Wilson was. "I'm happy about the ground cooked beef and we get soda," said Donald. "We ate a lot of ramen noodles, stir fry and oatmeal."
The scouts marched down the road from the Court of Honor to the barbecue area where guests for the event had already began congregating. The barbecue also was free to the public, but donations were accepted. The meal included beef, potatoes, onions, baked beans, bread and beverages.
Raffle tickets were available for purchase and the prizes included: picture towers, a Mexican dinner for two, a cup and cap and $250 gift certificates to Cabela's, Sportmans Warehouse and Boise Towne Square.
A special thanks goes to Bowman's Incorporated, V-1 Propane and MC Welding for their donations to Camp Wilson Camporee 2007.
Troops who attended Camp Wilson 2007 included: Troop 24, Glenns Ferry; Troop 40, Meridian; Troop 48, Boise; Troop 57, Mountain Home; Crew 57, Mountain Home; Troop 73, Grand View; Troop 98, Mountain Home; Troop 102 Mountain Home Air Force Base; Troop 112, Nampa; Troop 161, Boise; Troop 320, Pocatello and Troop 323, Emmett.