Hospital to hold public meetings on bond proposal
The community is invited to attend a public meeting to learn more about the May 22 hospital expansion project bond on Thursday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion's War Memorial Hall, 515 E. 2nd South St.
Participants will learn about the expansion plan and have their questions answered. A 10-minute video tour of the hospital will be featured at the meeting. This video was created to educate voters about the daily challenges being faced in the current building.
"We have been offering tours for anyone who is interested, however, most people are too busy to come for a tour or would rather not come to the hospital if they are not sick," said Doreen Krabbenhoft, executive director of the Elmore Medical Center Foundation. "The video is a way for us to bring the hospital to the people"
In addition to the April 19 community meeting a series of "Coffee Talk" informational meetings have been scheduled at:
* The Mountain Home Senior Center on April 16 at 11a.m.
* The Glenns Ferry City Hall on April 24 at 10 a.m.
* The Rimrock Senior Center in Grand View on April 26 at 11a.m.
* The Mountain Home Senior Center on April 27 at 11 a.m.
* The Mountain Home Senior Center on May 4 at 11a.m.
* The Glenns Ferry City Hall on May 10 at 10 a.m.
* The Mountain Home Senior Center on May 18 at 11 a.m.
Community members are being encouraged to stop by those locations and talk to the hospital staff, board members and volunteers about the expansion project and general obligation bond.
A community information center for the hospital expansion will be set up at 560 N. 6th East St. (Dr. Bledsoe's former office building) starting on April 19. Volunteers will staff the center and provide information on the hospital expansion project and answer questions.
The center will be open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. starting April 21.
Weekday hours of operation have not yet been established.
The general obligation bond will generate the necessary funds for the Elmore Medical Center expansion plan.
Elmore Medical Center Hospital District voters, all residents eligible to voter in Elmore County, are being asked by hospital officials to support the growth and future of local healthcare services through a special general obligation bond election Tuesday, May 22.
Elmore Medical Center is a community owned hospital that was dedicated on Feb. 5, 1955, with one doctor and three nurses. At that time the county population was one third of the current size.
"Elmore County is growing, new businesses and large residential developments are being constructed," a hospital spokesman noted. "As the population increases, the need for quality healthcare will escalate. To keep up with these growing demands, Elmore Medical Center needs to expand and modernize the facility to accommodate the population."
Krabbenhoft noted that "in 1955 the building was suitable for the time, built before computers were invented and many of our modern medical technologies had yet to be designed. Although additions have been made to the building, the internal systems and structure still have a 50-year-old design. The building is creating challenges whenever new technology is needed or new services are added."
"The employees appreciate the current working limitations of our existing facility and understand the need to expand our building to meet the current and future health care needs of our growing communities," said hospital administrator, Greg Maurer. "They do an outstanding job continuously providing the best possible care to our patients within the limited space."
For more information on the full hospital expansion plan and the bond election, contact Krabbenhoft at 580-2673.