Tiger wrestlers open season shooting for state title
The Mountain Home Tigers open their wrestling season with a home conference match against the Columbia Wildcats Thursday night in Lloyd Schiller Gymnasium.
The Tigers are coming off a successful season last year that saw them finish third at the 4A State Wrestling Championships.
Mountain Home Tiger wrestling coach Lynn Knudson is excited about this year's turnout for wrestling.
"We have a big group -- the numbers are right around the 60s -- a little bit above 60 right now. It's a top group, a lot of athletes in there. We had a very strong freshman group that came out this year, along with our returners, and some extras here and there, guys that maybe weren't out last year and came back out this year, so it's a pretty strong group, and it's been an exciting practice room."
The Tigers qualified 16 wrestlers to state last year, with six of them placing. Coach Knudson indicated five of those six return this year.
"We took 16 to state, and have had a couple of those kids move and a couple seniors, so we have quite a bit of state experience coming back, so that will help our program this year, too."
Coach Knudson has high hopes for this year's Tiger wrestling squad to win district and state. "Skyview will be right in there, Columbia, Mountain Home, Kuna will be tough. We're looking for a district title and we're looking for a state title, of course, and we have the personnel to do that with. Our kids are stepping up, practices have been going great, guys have worked hard, so we're going to be right there."
The Tigers open their season tomorrow (Thursday) night at home against the Columbia Wildcats. Knudson hopes for a good crowd.
"It's our first home match, and we only have about three other ones besides that, so hopefully we'll have a big crowd. It's also the Little Man Wrestling Program, it'll be the tournament after that dual."
Junior varsity action starts at 6:30 p.m., with the varsity action to follow, and the Little Man Tournament after that.