Richey, Barresi named 2006 Man, Woman of the Year

Close to 300 people turned out Saturday night to see this year's Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce honor the 2006 Man and Woman of the Year, as well as installing new officers for the year.
Denise Barresi, General Manager of the local Hampton Inn & Suites, won Woman of the Year honors while Billy Richey, the governor's military liason, took home Man of the Year at the annual Chamber of Commerce Installation Banquet, held at the Elks Lodge.
The award for Woman of the Year was presented by Debbie Shoemaker, last year's winner.
In her remarks, Shoemaker said of Barresi that, "She is always there when you need her. She can take care of the best and the worst."
Barresi, who has worked with the Travel and Tourism Committee for more than 10 years, said, "It is quite an honor to receive this award and I thank you all for thinking of me."
2005 Man of the Year Randy Valley touched on, among other things, Richey's level of commitment to the BRAC Committee, during his speech.
"He was the go-to guy for BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure). He told us who to write and where to send our letters," Valley said. "Without him I wouldn't have known anything about it."
Richey, who was born and raised in Texas, has lived in Mountain Home since he was first stationed at MHAFB in 1995.
After retiring from the Air Force as a full colonel, he then became very involved in the community of Mountain Home by becoming a board member of Silver Wings and also the AFAD (Air Force Appreciation Day) Flyover Coordinator.
But it was his help with the recent agreement to bring Marathon Cheese to town that highlighted Richey's latest accomplishments.
"There's nothing like being able to make this community better," he said. "It's all about the people. That's why we stayed here, and that's why we'll be here until they put us in the ground."
"It's the people who make Mountain Home," he said in closing.
Master of Ceremonies Tom Rist started the night by introducing the outgoing president and board members. Judge Dave Epis then swore in the new officers, including 2006 president Mary Miracle.
2005 president Shane Zenner gave the first of several speeches, in which he thanked the 366th Fighter Wing, the citizens of Mountain Home, and all of the downtown businesses who continually give their support to the chamber.
"I have enjoyed this past year tremendously, it has been a very memorable experience," he said.
New president Mary Miracle was next to speak and she talked about all of the hardworking people at the chamber before thanking her husband in advance for all the events he would have to attend in the next year. "There's going to be a lot!" she said.
Steve Gustafson, Retail Merchants Officer, next presented Mountain Home News Publisher Coleen Swenson with a mouse pad honoring her service and dedication to the annual Giving Tree program.
Colonel Charlie Shugg took the mike next, thanking the community for their ever-present support of local airmen.
"Offering military discounts or just welcoming them home on your business signs means more than you know," he said.
Mayor Joe B. McNeal was the final speaker of the evening and he wished to thank everybody at the chamber for their efforts over the last 63 years.
"That is a long time to stay dedicated to something," he said. "And you know what that really is--commitment. Commitment to the community of Mountain Home."
After the presentation of Man and Woman of the Year, the popular Best Table Awards were announced.
Taking home Most Beautiful was Moxie Java, Most Fun went to Guaranty Title, the Army National Guard was voted Best Business Representation, and Century 21 captured the Best Overall title.
The ceremonies were capped off by dancing to the music of "Third Take".