An evening to promote fire safety (Local News ~ 10/15/24)
A record-setting crowd took part in an evening gathering at the Mountain Home Fire Station Thursday evening to celebrate what’s become the community’s biggest fire prevention gathering. Lights flashed and sirens regularly blared for nearly four hours as parents and children packed into Fire Station One to enjoy an evening of fun and education at this year’s open house... -
D.E.I. looks like legalized discrimination
(Editorial ~ 10/15/24)
There were moments in my life when I seriously thought the whole world had lost its mind. Every day, we see instances where people acted irresponsibly and refused to take responsibility for their actions that harm others. One of the most irresponsible things I’ve dealt with in recent years involves an ongoing push for this nation to accept something known as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI for short. Depending on who you speak to, it seems this mandate has two opposing perspectives...
Annual Highland Games begin Saturday (Local News ~ 10/15/24)
Cultures from Europe and around the globe take center stage in town later this week as athletes prepare to compete during the 11th Annual Mountain Home Highland Games and World Fair. Hosted each year by the Northern Rockies Scottish American Athletic Association in Boise, the competition runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in Carl Miller Park...
Stories from Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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