Letter to the Editor - Reader Thanks Newspaper
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/24/20)
I was delighted to read that ISP is going to focus on using genetic genealogy in focusing on cold cases. There was a special program on PBS for about six weeks, featuring CeCe Moore, a genetic genealogist, a year or so ago. I was so intrigued at how she used genealogy and DNA to solve cold cases -- over 50 cases in one year. ...
Idaho voter integrity upheld
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/24/20)
Dear readers, Thank God the great state of Idaho upheld voter integrity! However, there are now 234 pages of sworn affidavits by ‘whistleblowers’. and seven lawsuits have been filed between Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin claiming voter fraud by President Trump. Lie it or not, our President has the right to file for a recount. Humans ar naturally competitive, and there is nothing wrong with that...
Political signs stolen
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/24/20)
This is an open letter to the misguided culprits that stole my neighbors and my political yard signs. You and your fellow sanctimonious pant stains are a big part of what is wrong with our country right now. Our President-elect is calling for unity, but it is hard for us to muster any support for that unity with people like you out there who refuse to grow up. ...
"F" Flag insults community
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/24/20)
Dear Editor: Today there is a large flag flying in Mountain Home expressing extreme profanity towards President-Elect Biden and those who voted for him. It is sad to see political differences reduced to the “F” word and visible on a public street. The flag’s message is an insult, not only to Mr. ...
Mountain Home High School winter sports plan
(High School Sports ~ 11/24/20)
The state is requiring that we only admit 10 people per contest while we are in stage #2. Therefore, entry will be very limited and will also result in us having to clear the gym after each contest. Masks and social distancing between family groups will be required at all times. ...
Stories from Tuesday, November 24, 2020
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