St. Luke’s Elmore hosts drive by parade for long term care facility (Local News ~ 06/11/20)
Donnie and Pat Marvin have missed their face-to-face visits with Pat’s brother, Kenny Markham. Kenny is a long-time resident at the long term care facility within St. Luke’s Elmore Medical Center in Mountain Home. Because of the risk of possible COVID-19 exposure, visits to Idaho’s most vulnerable residents inside nursing homes and long term care facilities have been limited by Governor Brad Little’s stay-at-home order that took effect on March 25... -
Succession Planting & Harvesting Your Backyard Garden (Local News ~ 06/11/20)
Getting the most out of your backyard garden may mean trying a planting method called succession (or staggered) planting. Most amateur gardeners would believe this means after one crop is harvested, another would be planted in the same space immediately – this could be true, but not entirely. Planning your garden space out should maximize your growing area, improving yield, vegetable quality and providing yourself with a continuous supply of fresh backyard produce over a longer time period... -
Idaho narrowly meets criteria to enter final stage of rebound plan, Idahoans strongly urged to continue following safe practices (Local News ~ 06/11/20)
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today the state narrowly met criteria to enter the final stage of the Idaho Rebounds plan to safely and responsibly open the economy in stages, highlighting the importance of individuals strengthening their personal actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Idaho...
Stories from Thursday, June 11, 2020
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