Needed changes to the Endangered Species Act
(Editorial ~ 10/11/19)
Wildlife species should be protected and recovered when possible. But, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as written and enforced has had very limited success. We can do better as envisioned in legislative reforms, including the 21st Century Endangered Species Transparency Act and the Endangered Species Settlement Reform Act, and regulatory reforms advanced by the Administration...
Commissioners discuss amount of court cases, a Veteran Memorial and 911 Board (Local News ~ 10/11/19)
The first hour of the Oct. 4, meeting of the Elmore County Commissioners was spent in Executive Session. Once the Executive session ended, there was a whirlwind of quick motions and seconds that were carried and so ordered. They were items such as expenses and payroll. A couple blinks of the eye and they had moved on... -
Bruneau and Beyond Speaker Series
(Local News ~ 10/11/19)
The Bruneau Valley Library will restart its Bruneau and Beyond speaker program with its first event this fall on Wednesday, October 16. The first speaker for the series will be Rachel Larsen of Bruneau who recently joined the Library Board as its newest Director. ...
Living with Fire on Idaho’s Rangelands Focus of U of I Talk in Boise
(State News ~ 10/11/19)
BOISE, Idaho— What Idahoans can do to be good stewards of the land and protect their home from fire in the wildland/urban interface is the subject of the next Vandal Voices speaker series event at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, hosted by University of Idaho Boise...
Norma Jean Jarvey (Obituary ~ 10/11/19)
Norma Jean Jarvey, age 67, of Bruneau, passed away peacefully at her home, surrounded by her loving family on October 10, 2019. A celebration of Norma’s life will be held at 7:00PM on Saturday, October 12, 2019, at St. Bridgets Catholic Church, 28672 Hyde Street in Bruneau. Military honors will follow at the Bruneau Cemetery, on Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 1:00PM. Cremation was under the care of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel, in Mountain Home...
Stories from Friday, October 11, 2019
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