Publisher's Pen
(Local News ~ 05/15/19)
As I read Stephanie’s editorial last week I had to reflect back with her and that time a year ago and now. Most importantly I would like to say Happy Work Anniversary in your Managing Editor position. You earned it. I remember the conversation we had. ...
The end of the school year
(Local News ~ 05/15/19)
I cannot believe we are in the last week of school already. This isn’t going to be one of those oh no, my baby is growing up editorials, but more of a look back at my goals for us when this year started. This was going to be the year I kept it all together. The year where everything ran perfectly and my children looked impeccable every day...
(Non)Criminal Activity
(Editorial ~ 05/15/19)
When Denis Palamarchuk, a trucker from Portland, Oregon, presented his bill of lading for 6,700 pounds of industrial hemp to officials at the Idaho port of entry on January 24, 2019, he surely never dreamed of the nightmare that lay ahead. Hemp had been legalized federally under the 2018 Farm Bill and was legal in nearly every other state. ...
Elks Lodge holds annual Youth Banquet (Local News ~ 05/15/19)
The Elks Lodge holds many events geared towards area youth throughout the year. Each May the lodge comes together to recognize all of the award winners. This year’s banquet was held on May 6. “It was a wonderful youth banquet, almost 200 in attendance. Over 75 students honored with all of our programs,” said Cristina Ford, Youth Activities Chairman. “Over $15,000 awarded in scholarships. Congratulations to the youth of our community.”... -
Jennifer Ann Davisson (Obituary ~ 05/15/19)
Jennifer Ann Davisson, 53 of Kernersville, North Carolina passed away peacefully Tuesday, April 9, 2019. A native of Grand View, Jennifer was the wife of over 18 years to John Davisson and the daughter of Jackie Lucas and the late Charles A. Lucas. She was a 1983 graduate from Rimrock High School, in Bruneau. ...
Stories from Wednesday, May 15, 2019
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