Making jury duty less cumbersome (Features ~ 09/21/16)
Ongoing changes to the jury selection process at the Elmore County Courthouse are seeking to streamline the selection process while making it less cumbersome for local residents. While this type of civic duty has existed in one form or another for roughly a thousand years, it doesn't need to be antiquated or a miserable process for those selected, said county jury commissioner Tyler Tindall... -
Mountain Home welcomes its new fire chief (Local News ~ 09/21/16)
Mountain Home's new fire chief was officially sworn in as the city council also addressed concerns over a local subdivision while voting to increase fees at the city golf course during a meeting Sept. 12. After establishing a full quorum, the council moved into a brief discussion regarding the appointment of Capt. Mark Moore as the city's new fire chief... -
City prepares for yearly Fall Harvest Fest (Local News ~ 09/21/16)
A local tradition returns to Mountain Home as the Chamber of Commerce hosts its 20th Annual Fall Harvest Festival on Oct. 1. Hosted by the chamber's community activities committee, the event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. that day in the city's downtown area... -
Ice cream social a success
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/21/16)
Dear editor, The Mountain Home Senior Center would like to thank all those who supported and donated to our very successful "Save the Kitchen" ice cream social. We were able to raise $742 for our project. Our upcoming fundraisers include a chili feed to be held at the Wal-Mart parking lot Oct. 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. put on by the Wal-Mart employees. On Oct. 8, a no-alcohol family dance sponsored by the Elk's Lodge with music by REALROC will be held from 7 to 10 p.m...
Complacency will ruin U.S.
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/21/16)
Dear editor, Very good editorial by Brian last week ("Where were you when...?, Sept. 14 Mountain Home News). Lots of folks feel that same way. But America won't just fall as the editorial indicated. It's being given away by the complacent and the indoctrinated even as we speak. We don't question things anymore. We accept the double standards passed down from Washington and we surrender our rights one by one in the name of "political correctness."...
Stories from Wednesday, September 21, 2016
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