Where there's smoke...
(Features ~ 11/27/13)
It took mere seconds for the fire to spill out of control. As blinding cloud of smoke filled the room, the flames rapidly flared upward and spilled out across the ceiling. With the fire doubling in size every 30 seconds, it was already eating up all of the oxygen that was in the kitchen. It was only a matter of minutes, perhaps seconds, before it would kill anyone trapped inside...
Giving Tree project begins
(Local News ~ 11/27/13)
The Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce is joining forces with local businesses to help financially strapped families make ends meet through the holiday season. Celebrating more than 20 years in the Mountain Home community, the Giving Tree program is an all-volunteer effort that helps hundreds of people here in the form of holiday gifts...
Children describe how to cook a turkey
(Local News ~ 11/27/13)
It has become a tradition at the Mountain Home News every Thanksgiving to ask second- and third-grade students in local schools to write stories about how to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner. The recipes on "How to Cook a Turkey" are provided in the Nov. ...
Remember the troops in your holiday thoughts
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/27/13)
Dear editor: The holiday season is upon us and during this time of giving the base's public affairs office frequently receives questions from citizens asking how they can say thank you to service members serving abroad and at home. In the past, organizations have led city-wide efforts to collect postcards and messages of thanks to be sent to any service member or wounded warrior. ...
Mildred Clayville
(Obituary ~ 11/27/13)
Mildred Viola Rayburn Clayville passed away Nov. 1, 2013, in Redlands, Calif., at the age of 88. She worked for Mountain Home Auto Parts for 37 years, retiring in 1987. She was a member of the Mountain Home Adventist Church and was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Clayville...
Stories from Wednesday, November 27, 2013
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