Death Notice - Franklin Heatley
(Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Franklin Heatley, 77, of Mountain Home, passed away on April 30, 2011, at a Boise hospital. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Death Notice - Eugene Richardson
(Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Eugene Richardson, 78, of Mountain Home, passed away on Saturday, April 30, 2011, at a local care center. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Carleen Astle (Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Carleen M. Astle, 60, of Grand View, died on April 29, 2011, at a local hospital. A viewing will be held on Tuesday May 3, from 9-11 a.m. at the Grand View LDS Chapel, followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m. and burial at Grand View Riverside Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel in Mountain Home... -
Teddy Mayer (Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Fredrick "Teddy" Theodore Mayer, 68, of Glenns Ferry, passed away on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, at a Boise hospital. A celebration of life will be held at 1 p.m., on Thursday, May 5, at the VFW Hall in Glenns Ferry. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel in Mountain Home... -
Jim Heffley
(Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Jimmie Wayne "Jim" Heffley, 75, of Glenns Ferry passed away on April 16, 2011. Jim was born on December 4, 1935 in Whitefield, Oklahoma to Mose and Lola Heffley. He has 11 siblings, 8 of whom are still alive. Jim worked many jobs in his life, most of those involved agriculture. He married Debra Arendsen on December 6, 1971. December 1, 1981, their only child, Lori, was born...
Death Notice - Arthur Ray Willis
(Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Arthur Ray Willis, 62, of Mountain Home, passed away on Friday, April 29, 2011, at home. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Barbara Faneuf (Obituary ~ 05/02/11)
Barbara Susanne (Robinson) Faneuf, 63, of Mountain Home, died on April 29, 2011, at a local care center, surrounded by her immediate family. A vigil service with rosary will be held at 7 p.m. on May 4 at Rost Funeral Home's McMurtrey Chapel in Mountain Home. A funeral mass will be celebrated on May 5 at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, followed by a funeral dinner at the Good Counsel Hall...
Stories from Monday, May 2, 2011
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