Questioning the Odds
Two blogs ago and several moons I posted a blog about meeting up with an acquaintance at the National Hare Hound motorcycle races in March. I did get to talk with Chris Blais for a while and thanked him for all that he had accomplished. I just couldn't resist and asked him about the accident, I know that is probably not his favorite subject but I just had to know what happened. Within a few words I had my answer.
They say that speech is only 20% of what we comprehend during a personal conversation and that was painfully clear. The conversation hit him hard, I could tell the uncomfortable tension in his voice and then I immediately started to regret my question. Sitting in a wheel chair said plenty, his smile and friendliness said even more. What strange turns of events this sport had brought this young man.
I had a real moment, personally, of questioning why we set out on adventures, why we reach for something that only a few will do. Why take any chances at all.
It's been on my mind recently.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Jun 1, 2010, at 9:20 AM
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