I'm Back
After a long hiatus (18 months) working with the Air Force Base on community issues I am back doing what I was meant to do, being a gear-head and news hack. As I sit all night on CBS network-overtime (yeah), at Boise International Airport last week, waiting for Missionaries to return from Haiti I started to get excited about the new year and spring. Planning some of my trips like the first ever Montana 1000 dual sport motorcycle ride this July.
Garage Therapy is by a gear-head, about gear-heads; their projects and an honor to the internal combustion engine and it's proper use. The internal combustion engine was never destined to play second fiddle to high-end electronics and hype like the hybrid automobile, it was meant to fuel the dreams of pioneers like those at the Bonneville Salt Flats, heroes riding MotoGP machines and all other hobbyist that find creative ways to enjoy motorsports.
I plan to honor some of our local gear-heads in the next few installments. Look for more fun this year. I will also post the address for my lame website that is in the midst of creation www.motorheadjohn.com Presently, it only has a few links to some helmet cam footage but it is progressing.
Later, John
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, Mar 7, 2010, at 7:24 AM
- -- Posted by Ontherocks on Thu, Mar 11, 2010, at 9:07 AM
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