What Kind of People Come to a Roping?
I've heard a few people talk about 'cowboys' and the kind of people that go to 'those ropings/brandings.
I'm not gonna say that every single roping and branding that you might go to, is the way we do it, but I will say, everyone that WE do, is like this. It's a job that does have to be done, and it has a time frame that it needs to be done in. We make it a family type affair, that makes children be welcome every single time. They get to help, and be made to feel useful. EVERYONE watches out for them. Sometimes, Mom and/or Dad is riding, and they rest of the 'crew' just fills in and makes sure the young ones are safe and accounted for. Accidents can happen, but we strive hard to teach them how to safely be around the animals and to be respectful of the dangerous areas. Many times, there are no second chances. I believe that if I say something, they darn well better listen right now, because a second later may just be too late. Repercussions come swift and sharp. They know it, so I hardly ever have to bring out the Grandma voice!
These are triplets that attended some of our bran dings. They know where they are pretty much supposed to be, and they had a great time.
These are a perfect example of the "type" of rough Cowboy/Cowgirl people that come to our brandings. We start them young!
This is the Triplets mom. She was very excited to be up and roping!
Shawna has been mentioned in my blogs before. Here is a woman who is one of the bosses on one of the biggest ranches around. She has no fear of working hard, but also knows how to play hard too.
A constant you will see in these photos, is the SMILES. We have a great time, all the time. It's hot, dusty and in many ways, pretty darn miserable. But, the thing is,
These two Cowboys, (remember, cowboys have a reputation of being uncivilized and crude) are giving my friend Charlene a lesson in branding. Never were there more courteous instructors. They made her perfectly comfortable.
Doug has been working as a Cowboy all his life. Along with outfitting. He is related to the Yorens who are on the TV show Way Out West. Though he'll be the first to tell ya, he's not part of that show.
Always, the kids are in our thoughts
This is a young teen girl that came and roped with us this summer. Note the big smile
Her older brother has done the job of a man all summer long. No fear of hard long days here!
Casey has done more roping than many, and makes a pretty fair profit at it, but he never misses the opportunity for a big time branding with friends!
Tom also has been around as long as I can remember.
Huge smiles in spite of long hot days
It all starts here. Roping one another and playing pranks. Getting so comfortable with a rope that it becomes second nature. Soon, they'll be horseback.
These are just a few of the dirty rotten type of people that come to a branding. There isn't a group of people that I'd rather be around
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Oct 20, 2014, at 7:34 AM
- -- Posted by Darksc8p on Tue, Oct 21, 2014, at 7:43 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Oct 21, 2014, at 7:52 AM
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