Just Great Days
At the end of May, My friend Charlene came to visit for a couple weeks. She of course had to ride ...and we showed her all around this side of the country. Including Sun Valley! I couldn't find the photos to show that she got to brand some calves, but I'll find them later maybe!
This is a bunch of our horses. The young ones are closest to the barn, they have lot of learning to get done!
Here are some of the sites around here, that we took Charlene to see.
Yes, we still had snow in June!
Love to find old mining equipment.
My aunt cooked on a stove like this in their cabin the mountains. Isn't it cool?
My sister has been up to visit a few times, bringing our sister's Grandchildren.
Austin stayed with us for a time also. Every boy and girl loves to climb these trees
What boy doesn't like to ride a 4 wheeler?
Bryce and Jilly were able to stay with us much of the summer, so there was lots of roping practicing
and of course, everyone has to work. Putting salt out to the cattle
I love to watch World Class Roping and here, we have that on a daily basis
Brandings were right outside our door in the Spring. Here is a long time friend, Justin
Wayne on Rosie. Jilly will probably learn to rope on her next year. She's not big, but she has a 17 hand tall heart!
Tom Love also worked for my Aunt and Uncle back when I stayed at their ranch, when I was a young teen. Small world, I'd guess.
Taylor, is also a long time friend.
Casey Brunson is about as good as they get also. He's been to the winners 'circle' many times. Not a lot of missing (by any of these guys!)
Shawna, is one of the bosses at this ranch. She was recently featured in Western Horseman. Go read about her!
And Wayne again on Marshmallow
Jilly got her riding in !
Justin's Mom sent a bag of books for the kids to have to read while they are here. They really like books!
Kids and barns and puppies, what more do I need to say?
My daughter visited from North Dakota, and of course had to ride. And I've recently heard that they are moving back! This Mom's heart is HAPPY!
Both Jilly and Bryce got to learn to gun safety
Just hanging around at home
Friends and Puppies, what more is there? Well, maybe a horse and a great man!
This colt is about to have his first ride
This was all in about 20 minutes. Again, it's a daily thing here to teach and just do a job
Carolyn's Mares had some beautiful babies. One trip home, I stopped and shot them!
More another day.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Oct 13, 2014, at 6:53 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Oct 13, 2014, at 7:40 AM
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