Vegas Trip Vegas Trip
Well, We prayed it would happen, we hoped it would happen, and then we even planned it would happen. Then we actually did make it happen. We were able to take Jilly to our annual trip to Las Vegas, for the Legacy of Legends.
Wayne and I love going to this every year. It's kind of always the same, but so different in so many ways. We are a bit privileged to know what the main events will be, but even knowing, there is NO way to know how it will all play out. With humans and horses involved, the variances can not be predicted.
Jilly had been wanting to go for a couple of years, but it's always during school time, so it just really wasn't going to happen. This year, when she was in the hospital and things were looking better, but we were sure she wouldn't be going to school any time soon. My thought was that if she couldn't be at school, she might as well go with us. Who knew that she would defy all the predictions and get so much better so much sooner than anyone thought? She wound up back in school months before we imagined. But the promise had been put out there. And she wanted to take us up on it. Her Mom and Dad also agreed, a Promise is a Promise * She would go to Vegas with us. * In typical Jilly fashion, she put a stick in the spokes, just the weekend before we would leave....and had to go back into the hospital for a day. * As it turned out, she was not in a real bad way, and the problem was just being very very tired, and somewhat dehydrated. * That little girl has lots of go, but she was a bit ahead of her body. * Her body said, I need rest, and so she rested for a few days, and rehydrated. * I figured that was it though...she wouldn't be able to make it to Vegas. But she had other plans. She popped right up and got even more better, and insisted she go. Well, everyone knows that as Grandma, I won't hesitate to take her to the Doctor, so, with her Medical card in hand, and lots of snacks, water and Gatorade, off we went to go to Vegas!
We normally ride with Carolyn, but this year, things panned out a bit different, so we were going in a car. Overall might be better, in case we need to make a trip to a hospital.
After all was said and done, she lost a fingernail and a matching toenail is on the way out. Much better than some of what we heard
No, she is not being naughty
* Jilly spent the night the night before we left, as we intended to get an early morning start. * Weather played a bit of a trick on us though, and that was one of the mornings that the roads were slick as ..well,...ice. * So we waited til a bit later, and then we left. *
She has decided to build herself a pair of Mecate Reins. They will of course be purple and white. Purple being her favorite color. What better way to pass the time than to practice braiding on the long drive? If she's good at it, she can make beautiful things with this trade, and make herself a living. At any rate, she can have awesome hand braided reins, that won't cost her a fortune.
She did take a few naps here and there, so her trip was only a couple hours. We are almost here at this point, so we wake her up!
She is pretty excited to see what there is to see. If you've been to Vegas before, you know that the buildings are Impressive. You also know (maybe) that they are just for looking at. If we had more time and lots of money, there are some things I'd have liked to take her to, but Money is the "key" word. But she got a kick out of driving past, and seeing all the lines of traffic.
We even saw this fly over us...no doubt heading to Nellis AFB. * I wish I'd had my camera, (this is just from my phone) But it was fun to speculate on what it was. * Any guesses from anyone out there? * We have verified what it is....so guess away and I'll let you know later!
As we round the corner, there is our hotel. South Point Hotel and Casino. And how appropriate, is it that the Billboard has our info on it as we drive up. That impressed Jilly a lot!
So, once inside and settled in our room, we have time for a bit of investigating. Jilly is enamored of all of the lights, and chaos in this place. So many amazing sights for a young girls eyes. Of course, she had to have her photo taken by the statue of Benny Binion. History of Benny Binion is varied, but suffice it to say, he was a colorful character, and has a lot of history in Vegas.
We went to dinner the first night we were there at "Primarily Prime Rib" She does love a good steak. The restaurant doesn't have a child's menu, so we got her a prime rib dinner of her own. When it came, she had the hugest eyes looking at it, and the stuffed potato there too. The waiters there know how to treat you, and she was feeling very grown up. I wish I had thought to order her a Shirley Temple, to up the anti a bit, but oh well. Let me tell ya, she did that prime rib justice, and worked her way thru it, leaving the majority of the potato. Yep, She is a true cowgirl! Then off to investigate a bit further.
Naturally, she had to see the pool. We had brought swimsuits, and I kind of meant to take her to the pool at some point, but our days were very busy, and to make sure she got to bed at 8:00 each evening (or close to it) we never did make it to the pool. But she did love seeing how pretty it was. And the warm weather that allowed us to not have coats on outside.
Jilly was Wayyyyy impressed to see our posters ALL over the place, and looking so professional and all. She is starting to realize this event is gonna be big.
Thursday was a day for "set up" There are lots of vendors that come to set up at this event. We go a day early to set up for Carolyn. I kind of like that Jilly gets to see this type of event from the 'other' side. She will never go to a large clinic or presentation, and not kind of realize the work that goes on 'behind' the scenes.
Thursday for lunch we went to Don Miguels. Again, no child menu, so she ordered a burrito dinner, and did it justice! Each of the restaurants in the hotel have the same placemat. The placemat has each of the restaurants listed on it, and she is realizing now that she wants to go to each and every one of them. We brought home a placemat for her to save. We did not go to all the wonderful places to eat, but I bet she finishes off the list next trip!
This is Friday night at the Garden Buffet all you can eat Seafood. * Strategically we came here Friday evening, because she love shrimp. * She had never had Crab legs....so that was on the 'menu' And Crab Legs are a new favorite!
Obviously, she had to have lots of shrimp, but see the remains of the crab legs on her plate? It was funny to watch her enjoy. Though I had to really encourage her and get the first delicate piece of meat out of a leg for her. The rest is history!
First day of the actual event. She walks in and sees that this is looking different than when she left it! The only booth that had been set up before, was the actual "Legacy of Legends" Booth. We had it done first, and then the others were set up as the vendors arrived. She found so many beautiful things to look at now!
Part of our display, I do love boots!
I met Sheryl about 5 years ago, at the Alvord Ranch in Oregon. We have stayed in touch over the years, and seen one another a few times even. She was at the Idaho Falls Clinic last June, that I photographed for Lee Smith. She had been following Jilly's progress and was so happy to meet her! These are pretty special moments, to be remembered.
Jilly of course had to have a hat, so we bought it first thing on the first day. And of course, it had to have purple binding. She was pretty excited! Now her hat matches her boots! Here she is getting her receipt for the hat
Happy Girl with her purple hat!
The pink jacket that she's been wearing, was brought to her by a friend of mine, Candy, who was so excited to meet Jilly after also following her story.
She loved this portrait
I met Nancy several years ago also. She comes every year to the Legacy of Legends, and we've stayed in touch also, and gotten closer and closer. She's a loving grandma too, and Jilly's story tore at her, as if Jilly was one of her own. * She sent Jilly the Open Heart Necklace with Purple stones, and Jilly is wearing it now too. * Nancy has a 9 year old grand daughter whom she plans to bring to LOL next year, and we have plans of those two being great friends. * They will obviously be part of the Legacy of Legends, how much... remains to be seen
This first morning, Carolyn speaks and welcomes and thanks everyone for coming to this Annual Event. This is one of the colts from her place right here in Mountain Home. He will be auctioned off the last day of the event. He will be started under saddle by Buck Brannaman. (petting the colt) Next to Carolyn also, is Zack, her grandson who is an auctioneer. He will do much of the announcing and run the Auction on Sunday.
Wayne sitting with Sheryl and her husband. Jilly is off with Reata Brannaman
For me, one of the most spectacular highlights of this weekend, was Buster McLaury and the way he handled this mare. This beautiful horse was brought to the LOL by our good friends Mark and Lee Smith. (Idaho Falls clinic) She is an older mare (5 I believe) who for one reason or another had never been 'started' So, she is fully grown, and so sensitive and worried. Buster's experience and calmness with her, was so wonderful to see. I do plan to blog on the actual event, so I'll have more to say about her later. But this blog, is mostly about Jilly's first trip to Vegas and her experiences.
Kent Frecker makes such exceptional saddles, that many would love to have. He donates 1 saddle every year, to be raffled off at the end of the LOL. Tickets are 100.00 and the entire amount of the proceeds goes towards scholarships for young ones to continue learning the ways of the Legends. It's an amazing opportunity to maybe win one of his saddles for just 100$. However, I have yet to win one! heheheheh He asked Jilly to draw the winning name out of the bowl this year. So, I'm thinking maybe I have a chance to win??? Since she's incredibly lucky???? But no..... I did not win again. * Just as well I s'pose, as it would have looked rigged!
Jilly also got to help Carolyn draw names for the other raffles that were done. She practically became a celebrity!
Another of my favorite parts of this weekend, was watching Jaton Lord and Nick Dowers work their colts and work together so nicely. Nick just won the World in Snaffle Bit Futurity in Reno last September, and Jaton has shown and won so much also, that it's so nice to have such quality people and horsemanship to be passing down the skills. I loved that Jilly got to see all this
Saturday night, Nancy took Jilly along with their group to bowl. Yep, South Point has a huge bowling alley (not sure that's what it's called when it as huge as this one is) There are lots of national tournaments held there ... It was sure fun to watch
At one point, way towards the end, Jilly's luck was really showing. that "J" is her, and she is 2nd place. It was so funny to watch! Her purple bowling ball, would go soooooo slow, and very often get a strike! It wasn't til about the time I took this photo of the scores that some of the older boys decided they better get serious, or she was gonna kick some booty!
At the end of the night (which was only about 9:00, but the latest she'd been up during the week) The young ones all gave her a big group hug. Reata Brannaman in the middle with Jilly. Quite an evening to remember for this young girl.
One of Jilly's favorite things, was that during the demonstrations and in the 'break' times, lots of the riders doing the presentations, would come and visit with us. She asked how come they did that. "Well, Jilly, we are friends with them" "We're friends with the famous people???!!!!" She was quite impressed. This is Wayne and Jilly talking with Wayne Robinson. Wayne was encouraged years ago by Ray Hunt to come from Australia to the United States, and work with him. He was a real young man in late teens I believe, and he did just that. He has become the top Reining Trainer in the states. He came from Texas to do his presentation. He isn't much for public speaking, and it takes him awhile to even raise his eyes and look at the hundreds of people watching him, but once he starts demonstrating his horses and talking about them, and how incredible they are, the words flow fluently.
Don't let this photo fool you. We sit on the part where there are no people, so that we can move around and take photos. The other side of the stands is full. We go over there also, but we spent a lot of time on this side. She is sitting on her new jacket, because she's lost so much weight that it hurts after awhile to sit on the hard seats. And there was at least once, that she leaned on the backpack and fell asleep. In that backpack, was snacks, water and gatorade. I was that grandma that kept saying, "You better be snacking, and drinking!" Usually I might be the one who says, "Not right now"
On the way home, just before Jackpot, we hit this. Slick roads for about 10 miles.
Waiting for her at home, was this purple saddle pad, and mecate reins. Someone had caught wind that she was practicing braiding, and loved purple. So while she's practicing braiding, she has these to use. The generosity of people who followed her story is so amazing, and more than humbling
She has certainly been blessed
So, this year, in her 2nd year of Elmore County Fair, obviously she and Marshmallow will be decked out in PURPLE!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this so special for her.
- -- Posted by jtrotter on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 4:09 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 6:20 PM
- -- Posted by Bonnie M. on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 7:14 PM
- -- Posted by Karol on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 9:09 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Feb 12, 2014, at 8:17 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Wed, Feb 12, 2014, at 9:05 AM
- -- Posted by lilmissmelmo on Mon, Mar 17, 2014, at 4:22 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, Mar 20, 2014, at 9:29 PM
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