Bruneau Round Up 2013
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Last month was the annual Bruneau Round Up. We go every year, to at least one day of it, though it's a 2 day event. If you haven't been, you're missing one of the states best rodeos ever. There are events unique to the Round Up, and the traditional events too. It's a family oriented weekend, and fun abounds. Again, as I say all the time, we honor the flags....and hang them proudly.
Below is a new baby boy, of good friends of ours. No doubt eventually, he'll be a Muttin Buster, Calf Rider, Roper, and more. Along side is another friend of ours, Christine's Dad (from Shoshone) He was in a few of the events also. Counties come together at these. We don't lose track of one another.
I didn't get photos of everything, but this is typical Steer Riding. Ride 'Em Cowboys!
This is an amazing shot. And I'm darn happy I got it. This is Big Al Thompson. He ranches in Glenns Ferry/King Hill area. Is supportive of all things fun, and always a welcome sight to see. He's over 70 years old, and is about to compete in the Horse Roping. AND he caught. That's not easy.
Another 2 friends of ours. Jerry Kencke, and Doug Kriebs. I aspire to do as good of work as Jerry, heck, so does Doug. I like this shot of 2 photographers around the area. If you aren't aware of Jerry's work, look him up. He's amazing
Obviously, there is saddle bronc riding. These events don't last long.... maybe 8 seconds if they're lucky. But the excitement is real
This is a new event, maybe going to be an annual event. All kids under 14, (that want to) are in the arena, with their rope. There has been a colt donated by one of the Black families. (off hand, I can't remember which, maybe Jay?) and the first kid to rope the colt, gets to take him and a ton of hay home! What kid doesn't wanna try a shot at that?
(note the people on that side of the arena? Why aren't you there?)
I really thought this might not go so well.... I * mean, I can imagine all kinds of bad things happening. *
But, instead of bad things, within minutes,(seconds really) the contest came down to these 2 young men. * I really thought the kid furthest away got the colt. * But his rope slipped off, and so the kid in pink, through his loop a long ways.....
and it settled right around the neck of that colt, just as slick as you please.
And he made sure the rope stayed. snugged it right up.
So, for his efforts, he gets the horse, a ton of hay, AND a rope burn. But how amazing do you imagine he feels about now?
Without doubt, lots of the other kids are looking up to him, like he's a Hero. And he is
There are the typical Team Roping events that everyone loves to see
I like these two photos, showing husband and wife roping together
And I like this one, of a long time friend's son (we went to school together)
A bit more bucking
One of my favorite things to watch at a rodeo, is the Pick Up Men. They are there for the cowboys, to help them off the horse or bull safely. And a good pick up man has got to have guts and not be afraid to get close to the hooves that are always flying.
This cowboy is getting off onto a friend's horse, Tubby Blanthorne
Barrel Racing is at most rodeos.....and these are all fairly local girls.
Another of my favorite events is the "Old Hyde Race" One person has the horse, and starts at one end of the arena, to the other person who has the hyde, and a rope attached to the hyde. Rider comes to the person with the hyde and gets the rope, crazy person lays on the hyde and hangs on for ever lovin' life and hopes to make it back to the other side first, alive, and with not too much dirt in the mouth
One year, I nearly had the opportunity to drag a crazy person ...but 'somehow' the entries weren't in in time.... uh huh
Local 4-H Girls carry the flags
Cousins rope together
A hilarious event is the "Wild Cow Race" And it's an opportunity for the cows to get back at the cowboys. Love watching this!
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Oct 9, 2013, at 8:06 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Wed, Oct 9, 2013, at 9:20 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Wed, Oct 9, 2013, at 9:22 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Oct 9, 2013, at 6:18 PM
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