Young 'uns
Here are a few colts that we've been working with. Previous to coming to us, they were unhandled. They are yearlings, and are from another ranch here in Idaho. These are some nice colts that Wayne had the handful of a job to "halter break" The term "halter break" is kind of one I don't like, cuz really "breaking" brings to mind old time practices of roping a colt and choking them down, to subdue them to the halter. This is not how we like it done, though it's still done at times/places. These colts were similar to what the average person would consider a "Mustang" (though that's a whole nuther topic) These colts did not want to touched, let alone have a rope or halter on them. It takes lots of patience to change their mind, and it's been about 10 days. Of not every day, but lots of days several hours per day. As long as they're not hurt, they learn really easily that it's not so bad. Some come along easier and some are a bit more stand off ish. But they all come 'round.
I'm gonna take you through some of the days that I was there and had my camera.
Day 1
The following photo is the colts that live here on this ranch. They are wondering what's going on with the new guys!
These are a couple of the first we worked with. They're already learning that it's not so bad to be touched. The thing about a horse is that they kind of lean towards being with someone, though they try to keep from doing it. They are a herd animal, and they kind of look for someone to be a friend.
Skyline at the end of the first day. Who doesn't love this sight? Idaho is gorgeous
Day 2
Next day, a few different ones get handled. And they all catch on, that is just really isn't that bad.
Kind of not bad at all
This young one was particularly ready for a friend. This is his first time being handled, and he acted like it was all in a day's work
to this guy, Wayne was a best friend. And a friend that had oats! These colts hadn't had oats before. Contrary to common belief, they aren't born loving oats, but they learn pretty quick that they like it. You have to kind of 'smoosh' the oats up into their lips, and eventually, they get a taste of them. Yummmmmy is the result!
End of another gorgeous day
Day 3
Another set of colts come thru the process today.
Now their curiosity gets the best of them, and they hang around waiting to see who's turn it will be next. And the bucket of oats is pretty tempting ...
This is the real friendly guy again...learning that his feet can even be handled. * A colt has got to learn a lot of trust to give up his feet. * Horses have a*
Fight or Flight. And those feet are key to both of those instincts. Lots of trust there for him to give up his foot.
This is one of the prettier ones, and he's a bit more shy than some, but certainly coming along.
Again these are the colts that live here, wondering why they aren't involved in the shenanigans. These 3 are likely going to Vegas in February for the Legacy of Legends. They just don't know it yet.
Day 4
They are much more friendly and don't run off. In fact, they seem to thrive on hanging around and being friendly
Jilly and Bryce get to come up sometimes and see how it all begins.
Now that they've had halters on, and learned to "give to the pressure" a bit, they get the opportunity to learn some patience about 'standing tied" I was very happy how they all got along. It's got to be hard for a young energetic anything to just 'stand' but they did great!
It's not such a slow process any more catching them. A bucket of oats goes a long long way. And they simply like to be pet. It's pretty obvious!
This colt had not yet been handled. He'd always kind of managed to not present himself. But his time has come.
Resident colts still wanting to play games
Day 5
Fairly obvious here that there is not longer any fear, and Wayne is one of their good friends.
Everyone wants a pet
No one wants to be left out
Day 6
they are happy to see us!
I like this oe.... so close and shows the eyes of that colt
Learning to go through a gate is sometimes very scary. Waiting patiently is very key, and letting the colt find his own way
Does this make my butt look big?
That colt that was the last to be handled. Though he resisted being caught til late, he gave himself to Wayne completely. Often those that hold off, are the ones that need it the most.
I'm going to end with this glimpse into humanity. We found this one morning after one of those huge rain storms, to find this note. It was already posted, and the person who left it had a hammock strong between to big posts and was asleep. I felt it showed there are still people out there that do the right thing, even when they don't have to.
I hope this leaves you with a good feeling as it did us.
- -- Posted by horsegirl62 on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 7:03 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 7:21 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 8:11 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 9:44 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 2:40 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, Oct 3, 2013, at 2:41 PM
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