Some of my Favorites
Remember the 3 colts my son bought last year? Well, here is the one in the middle. Pictured on the left. 3 ride, is maybe he's 5th ride ever, and his first ride 'away from home" I've mentioned confidence before, and the feeling that that can give a young horse. Well, Evan has it, and he helps the colt feel confident about what's going on. We brought him along when we took Charlene out for a ride to check out cattle, and just to ride. Charlene of course, is on Marshmallow, and Wayne is on Sammy.
Who knows what this colt thinks about cattle, but he gets reassurance from Evan, and he feel everything will be OK.
I'm so excited for Evan, the way he's riding this colt. I love the happy look on the colt's face, the relaxed way my son sits his horse, and the loose reins letting the colt feel his way. They are trotting out so nicely,
Every now and then, there is a picture of me.... though I"m behind the bush! Apparently Wayne and I have traded horses, cuz I'm riding Sammy now.
Sometimes, the view is nothing less than BREATHTAKING, when you get to the top and get to see this. No wonder we like what we do
On our way back, we stop to show Charlene one of the Land Markers. Idaho has such history, if you care to go see it. I"m sure a lot of you know where this is. It is on land that belongs to friends of mine.
I find it amazing that in day, either from the back of a horse, or not far from a truck and trailer, we see such amazing sights
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Sep 23, 2013, at 7:51 AM
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